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& As Featured on "A Longhouse Birdhouse"
37808. Doller, Ben. Dead Ahead. Fence, 2010. First edition. New and bright stiff wraps with crisp bright text throughout. Publisher's slip enclosed . Poetry. $15.00
37806. Kunin, Aaron. The Sore Throat & Other Poems. Fence, 2010. First edition. New and bright gatefold wraps with crisp bright text throughout. Publisher's slip enclosed . Poetry. $15.00
37807. Sigler, Josie. Living Must Bury. Fence, 2010. First edition. New and bright gatefold wraps with crisp bright text throughout. Publisher's slip enclosed . Poetry. $15.00
Lorine Niedecker Titles at Longhouse

35500. Bremser, Ray / Diane di Prima, Ted Berrigan, Carol Berge, Ed Sanders, Charles Bukowski, John Wieners, Jim Silber, John Giorno, Allen Ginsberg, Ted Berrigan, Paul Blackburn, Harold Norse. "Twelve Great Americans". A Cold Turkey Special, Cold Turkey / Klacto Sea Urchin, 1972. Audio CD. 26 tracks taken from Clark Weissner's master tape. 65 minutes and 54 seconds running time New CD. The twelve Americans are Ray Bremser, Diane di Prima, Ted Berrigan, Carol Berge, Ed Sanders, Charles Bukowski, John Wieners, Jim Silber, John Giorno, Allen Ginsberg, Ted Berrigan, Paul Blackburn, Harold Norse. Fine and bright all around. Poetry. $20.00 plus $3.50 s/h : to order please Write Us
[temporarily out of stock 12/18/09]

35501. Cook, Cathy, film by. "Immortal Cupboard, In Search of Lorine Niedecker". 2009. DVD Film. Wisconsin Film Festival Jury Award 2009 and the Beloit International Film Festival 2010. An artistic interpretation and film essay on Lorine Neidecker's life and poetry. Niedecker 1903-1970, chose what many might see as a lonely path. Taking cues from Niedecker's work and Wisconsin heritage, the filmmaker Cathy Cook finds original live action, animation, archival images and the poet's only audio interview to unfurl the poet's psychological and physical landscapes. New DVD. Poetry. $29.95 plus $3.50 s/h : to order please Write Us
This page
has been updated as of 2011. Please note: all titles
subject to availability and price change. We often carry multiple
copies but in different conditions and price ---
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