
Unicorn Press

Titles available from Longhouse


This catalog has been updated April 2011. Shipping and handling within the U.S. for media mail is $3.95. Priority mail service is $7. Each additional title please add $1. We accept all credit cards or will hold for your check. Thanks.


For those who remember and for those who now wish to know, Alan Brilliant with Teo Savory was one of the brains-behind-ma crafting some of the most exquisite and ground-breaking poetry publishing from the 60s onward in the United States. Unicorn Press. The locations were the Berkshires of Massachusetts, Santa Barbara (bookstore and press) and North Carolina, and at this point about anywhere a good press man and poet like Alan wishes to hang his hat. His book design is legendary, his translations and work with translators historical, and his generosity to the life of poetry, which it is, swollen to the heights of any hall of fame. ~ Bob Arnold



21692. "Unicorn Press "To Langston Hughes 1902-1967". Unicorn. Illustrated sheet, poetry. $25


17001. [Apollinaire, Guillaume] Greet, Anne Hyde, translator. "Apollinaire Calligrams". Unicorn, 1970. First edition. Translated from the French. Fine and bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout, quite attractive. Illustrated. Poetry. $35


17146. [Apollinaire, Guillaume] Greet, Anne Hyde, translator. "Apollinaire Calligrams". Unicorn, 1970. First edition. Translated from the French. Very fine and bright clothbound edition with crisp text throughout. Quite attractive. This is Volume 10 in the Unicorn Press Series. Illustrated. Poetry. $55


17137. [Attik, Mririda n'Ait] Halperin, Daniel and Paley, Paula, translators. "Songs of Mririda". Courtesan of the High Atlas. Unicorn Keepsake Series, 1974. First edition. Fine bright clothbound edition with crisp attractive text throughout, quite attractive. Poetry. $40


17415. Atwood, Margaret. "What Was In the Garden". Unicorn Press, 1969. Broadside. Illustrated. 11-1/2 x 18. Fine and bright all around. Quite uncommon. Poetry. $130


17177. Balaban, John. "Blue Mountain". Unicorn, 1982. First edition. SIGNED: One of 26 copies of the special edition, signed and lettered by the poet. Very close to fine and bright clothbound boards with bright crisp text throughout. Highly attractive. Handmade throughout. Poetry. $155


17229. Balaban, John. "He Replies". [Unicorn] Alan Brilliant, 1975. First edition. Only one copy was ever made for the poet as a gift to his wife but the printer and designer Alan Brilliant had to prepare 25 to achieve one perfect one. Printed by Alan Brilliant (private printing 1975). Colorful folded one poem broadside. Very close to fine and bright. Quite attractive and very scarce. Poetry. $130


17043. Balaban, John. "Little Mountain". Unicorn, 1982. First edition. Fine and bright pictorial stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. . Poetry. $20.95


17187. Balaban, John. "Walking Down Into Cebolla Canyon". Unicorn Press, 1980. First edition. Photograph by William Clift. One of 500 copies. Near fine pictorial wraps. Fold out long poem. Poetry. $35


17101. Balaban, John, translator. "Vietnamese Folk Poetry". Unicorn, 1974. First edition. Frontispiece woodcut by Vo-Dinh. Very close to fine and bright sewn wraps with crisp bright text throughout. Handmade throughout. Poetry. $25


17298. Bartlett, Elizabeth. "Threads". Unicorn Press, 1968. First edition. SIGNED: 500 copies of each volume in the Santa Barbara Poetry Series edited by Jack Shoemaker were published, of which 30 are sewn bound, signed and numbered by the poet. Designed by Alan Brilliant. This is number 15, signed fully by the poet on the colophon page. Very close to fine and bright stiff wraps. The very first print works from Jack Shoemaker, a youngster at the time and manager of Unicorn Bookshop, who later went on to found both North Point and Counterpoint Presses. Poetry. $55


17301. Bartlett, Elizabeth. "Threads". Unicorn, 1968. First edition. One of 500. Fine bright wraps with crisp text throughout. Poetry. $20.95


17150. [Beier, Ulli] preface by the editor and postface, Rothenberg, Jerome. "Words of Paradise". Poetry at Papua, New Guinea. Unicorn, 1973. First edition. Very fine and bright in like dustjacket with crisp text throughout. Quite attractive. . Poetry. $45


17111. Bennani, Ben, translator. "Bread, Hashish and Moon". Four Modern Arab Poets. Unicorn Press, 1982. First edition. More scarce than the cloth copy. Close to fine bright illustrated stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp bright illustrated text throughout. . Poetry. $45


28003. Berrigan, Daniel. "Block Island". Unicorn Press, 1985. Fine and bright stiff wraps with strong spine and crisp text throughout. Neat owner's name to inside cover which bothers none of the text. Poetry. $12.95


17108. Berrigan, Daniel. "Block Island". Unicorn Press, 1985. Second printing. Fine bright illustrated stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp illustrated text throughout. Very attractive. Poetry. $17


19520. Berrigan, Daniel. "Prison Poems". Unicorn Press, 1973. Advance reading copy. Fine wraps. This preceeded the first edition in cloth. Scarce. With publisher's sheet enclosed. Poetry. $65


17149. Berrigan, Daniel. "Prison Poems". Unicorn Press. 1973. First edition. Fine in like bright pictorial dustjacket still in shrink wrap. Never opened.. Poetry. $95


17164. Berrigan, Daniel. "Prison Poems". Unicorn Press, 1973. Foreword by Philip Berrigan. Advance copy wraps preceding the first edition cloth. Scarce. Publisher's publication slip tipped in. Fine and bright wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout.  Quite nice.. Poetry. $130


17433. Berrigan, Daniel, S. J.. "God". Unicorn Press, 1968. Broadside. 8 x 16. Very close to fine and bright. Poetry. $55


16989. Bienek, Horst. "Selected Poems". 1957-1987. Unicorn Press (Greensboro), 1989. Translated by Ruth and Matthew Mead and Eva Hesse. With an introduction by Hans Vender. Fine bright decorative stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Bilingual. Poetry. $20.95


17278. Bienek, Horst. "The Cell". Unicorn Press, 1972. First edition. Introduction by Daniel Berrigan, S. J. Translated from the German by Ursula Mahlendorf. Proof copy. Near fine bound wraps with tight square spine and crisp text throughout. Quite attractive. . Poetry. $30


17034. Bienek, Horst. "Unicorn German Series". Unicorn, 1969. First edition. Fine and bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Quite attractive. Printed by Noel Young. Poetry. $22.95


17473. Bly, Robert. "Hearing Gary Snyder Read". Unicorn Press, 1971. Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet Series II, No. 3. 12-1/2 x 19. Fine and bright with red deckled-edge. Quite handsome. Poetry. $180


16560. Bly, Robert. "Old Man Rubbing His Eyes". Unicorn Press, 1975. Near fine decorative stiff wraps with strong square spine with crisp text throughout. Drawings by Franz Allbert Richter. Trifle spotting to fore edge. Inscribed, not by Bly, to one poet from another poet on the first flyleaf. Poetry. $18.5


17139. Bly, Robert. "Old Man Rubbing His Eyes". Unicorn, 1975. First edition. Drawings by Franz Allbert Richter. Close to fine decorative stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Publisher's copy with minor annotations to opening pages but the text is undisturbed. Trifle annotations to back cover. Scarce. Poetry. $100


17185. Bly, Robert. "Outhouse Poem". Unicorn. Postcard / First edition. One of 750 printed. 5-3/4 x 8-1/2 orange postcard. Some age tone to reverse of card. Poem face is fine and bright. Illustrated. Poetry. $55


17374. Bly, Robert. "Outhouse Poem". Unicorn Press, 1970. First edition. 5-1/2 x 8-1/2  postcard in bright slipcase. Signed by Robert Bly. One of 50. Poetry. $130


17226. [Bly, Robert]. "Poetry Announcement Card for Robert Bly". Unicorn, 1967. First edition. 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 illustrated sheet. Robert Bly poetry reading, Unicorn Bookshop, Friday, April 21st, 8 p.m. Admission Free. Very close to fine. Designed by Alan Brilliant. A two-color advertiser on the occasion of Bly's reading at the Unicorn Book shop on April 21, 1967. Poetry. $55


17046. Bly, Robert. "The Moon On A Fencepost". Unicorn, 1988. Second printing. Illustrations by Gregory Bitz. Very fine and bright illustrated sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. Quite attractive. . Poetry. $35


17190. Bly, Robert. "The Moon On A Fencepost". Unicorn, 1988. First edition. Illustrated by Gregory Bitz. Fine bright sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. Poetry. $50


17067. [Borchers, Elisabeth] Mead, Ruth and Matthew, translators. "Unicorn German Series". Unicorn Press, 1969. First edition. Fine and bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and bright text throughout. . Poetry. $25


36574. Borchers, Elisabeth / translated by Ruth Matthew Mead. "Unicorn German Series". Unicorn, 1969. First edition. Near fine stiff wraps with paper label to cover and with clean text throughout.  Bilingual. $17.95


17041. Boyd, Greg. "The Masked Ball". Prose Poems and Prints. Unicorn, 1987. Very close to fine and bright wraps with strong spine and crisp illustrated text throughout. Fine work all around by this author. Literature. $35


17305. Boyd, Greg. "The Masked Ball". Prose Poems and Prints. Unicorn, 1987. First edition. Fine and bright illustrated boards in near fine dustjacket with crisp text throughout. Quite scarce.. Literature. $55


17444. [Brecht, Bertolt] Savory, Teo and Alan Brilliant, translators. "Ballad of the Dead Solider". Unicorn Press, 1967. Broadside. 8-1/2 x 18-1/2. Fine and bright broadside with trifle age shading to top edge, barely noticeable. Poetry. $80


17032. Brilliant, Alan. "At Trial". Unicorn, 1969. First edition. One of numbered 250 copies, printed at the Grace Hoper Press. Fine and bright sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. The poet's first book. Poetry. $35


17202. Brilliant, Alan. "At Trial". Unicorn Press, 1969. First edition. One of 250 copies at the Grace Hoper Press. This is a numbered copy. Very close to fine and bright sewn wraps with crisp bright text throughout. The poet's first book. Poetry. $22.5


17033. Brilliant, Alan. "Journeyman". Unicorn, 1971. First edition. Fine and bright. One of 350 numbered copies printed by the Grace Hoper Press. The poet's second book. Poetry. $25


17203. Brilliant, Alan. "Printingway". Unicorn Press, 1978. First edition. SIGNED: One of 100 copies printed, numbered and signed. This is number 31 and signed by the poet. One long fold-out broadside. Near fine with trifle age toning to cover, nothing offensive. Bright crisp text throughout. Poetry. $60


17030. Brilliant, Alan. "The Prose Poems of Escape". Unicorn, 1980. First edition. With a frontispiece by Patricia Mullin. Fine bright sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. Fine work. Poetry. $20.95


17036. Brown, Rosellen. "Cora Fry". Unicorn, 1989. Second edition. Fine and bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. . Poetry. $17.5


17016. Bruchac, Joseph. "The Good Message of Handsome Lake". Unicorn Press, 1979. First edition. Woodblock illustration by Rita Corbin. Fine and bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Poetry. $55


17432. [Celan, Paul] Rothenberg, Jerome, English version . "Death Fugue". Unicorn Press [n.d.]. Broadside. 10 x 15. Fine bright deckled-edge. Handsome all around. Poetry. $80


17062. [Claudel, Paul] Hollo, Anselm, translator. "A Hundred Haiku For Fans". Unicorn Press [n.d.]. A Unicorn book that was never published. Mock-up from the printer. Still quite handsomingly done. Close to fine sewn wraps with crisp bright text throughout. Poetry. $80


17192. [Cuadra, Pablo Antonio] Merton, Thomas, translator. "The Jaguar and the Moon". Unicorn, 1971. First edition. One of the leading figures of Nicaraguan poetry. Introduction and translation by Thomas Merton. Fine and bright sewn wraps with just a trifle bump to over long covers. Otherwise text crisp and bright throughout. More scarce than you might believe. Frontispiece and three-color woodblocks by the poet. Bilingual. Poetry. $80


17167. [Cuadra, Pablo Antonio] Merton, Thomas, translator. "The Jaguar & the Moon". Unicorn, 1971. First edition. One of the leading figures of Nicaraguan poetry. Introduction and translation by Thomas Merton. Very fine and bright red bound cloth boards with bright crisp text throughout. Quite attractive. Frontipiece and three-color woodblocks by the poet. Bilingual. Poetry. $155


17254. Di Prima, Diane. "For Blake". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard Series 3, No. 4, 1971. Postcard. Fold-out card. Very close to fine all around. Quite attractive and scarce. Poetry. $55


17255. Di Prima, Diane. "For Blake". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard Series 3, No. 4, 1971. Postcard. SIGNED: A signed edition of 30 copies only.  Fold-out card. Very close to fine all around. Quite attractive and rare. In acetate cover.. Poetry. $95


17476. di Prima, Diane. "XV Dedications". Unicorn Press, 1971. Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet Series II, No. 7. 13 x 19-1/2 blue grey textured stock. Fine all around. Fiction. $55


17486. di Prima, Diane. "XV Dedications". Unicorn Press, 1971. Broadside. SIGNED: Unicorn Broadsheet Series II, No. 7. 13 x 19-1/2 blue grey textured stock. Fine and bright all around. Signed by the poet. Poetry. $95


17035. Dietrich, Jeff. "Reluctant Resister". The Prison Letters of Jeff Dietrich. Unicorn, 1983. First edition. Illustrated with photographs. Very close to fine and bright pictorial stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Afterword by Daniel Berrigan, S. J.. Nonfiction. $20.95


17045. Dietrich, Jeff. "Reluctant Resister". The Prison Letters of Jeff Dietrich. Unicorn, 1983. First edition. Profusely illustrated with photographs. Very fine and bright in close to fine dustjacket with crisp text throughout. Afterword by Daniel Berrigan, S. J.. Nonfiction. $25


17300. Dorbin, Sanford M.. "Family Life, And Others". Unicorn Press, 1968. First edition. SIGNED: Santa Barbara Poetry Series. One of 500 copies of each volume in the Santa Barbara Poetry Series were published, of which 30 are sewn bound, signed and numbered by the poet. This is number 17, signed. The very first print works from Jack Shoemaker, a youngster at the time and manager of Unicorn Bookshop, who later went on to found both North Point and Counterpoint Presses. Poetry. $55


17302. Dorbin, Sanford M.. "Family Life, And Others". Unicorn Press, 1968. First edition. One of 500. Fine bright wraps with crisp text throughout. Poetry. $20.95


17442. [Eich, Gunter] Savory, Teo, translator. "'Rain's News". Unicorn Press. Broadside. 7 x 12-1/2. Fine and bright all around. Quite attractive. . Poetry. $50


17122. [Eich, Gunter] Savory, Teo, translator. "Selected Poems". Unicorn German Series. Unicorn Press, 1971. First edition. Fine bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp attractive text throughout. Bilingual. Poetry. $22.5


17140. [Eich, Gunter] Savory, Teo, translator. "Selected Poems". Unicorn German Series. Unicorn Press, 1971. First edition. Fine and bright decorative clothbound edition with crisp attractive text throughout. Just the slightest mark to top edge of cover. Poetry. $20.95


17141. [Ekelof, Gunnar] Rukeyser, Muriel and Leif Sjoberg, translator. "A Molna Elegy / En Molna-Elegy". Unicorn, 1984. First edition. Very fine and bright two volume stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout, in like bright decorative slipcase. Poetry. $55


17002. [Eluard, Paul] Savory, Teo, translator. "Liberte". Unicorn Press, 1977. Paul  Eluard wrote this poem in 1942 when he was working in the French Resistance. Cover drawing by Pablo Picasso. Handset, handprinted and handbound by Alan Brilliant.  Fine and bright sewn wraps with crisp text throughout.. Poetry. $25


17449. Everson, R. G.. "Elinor's Mouth-Hole". Unicorn, 1969. Broadside. Unicorn Folio 3, No. 1. Very close to fine and bright folio. Illustrated. Just the slightest age shading to one corner, barely noticeable. Poetry. $35


17359. Everson, R. G.. "Elinor's Mouth-hole". Unicorn Press, 1969. First edition. 28 x 21-1/2 illustrated broadside. Part of the Unicorn Folio Series II, No. 1 "A Canadian Folio" which is part of a series of Canadian poets.. Poetry. $45


17460. Federman, Raymond. "Me Too". Unicorn Press, 1975. Broadside. One of 100. Printed by the Unicorn Work Community for the Wine Press. 13 x 20.  Fine and bright all around. Poetry. $80


17365. Fixel, Lawrence. "Studying the Season". Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. Poetry postcard. One of 500 copies. 4-1/4 x 5-1/2. Poetry. $25


17128. Fuchs, Gunter Bruno. "Law and Disorder". Poems and Pictures. Unicorn Press, 1979. First edition. Remarks by sparrows, chimney sweeps, generals, old kings, man men, poets, dancers, law enforces & others. Translated by Richard Exner. Fine and bright decorative clothbound edition with crisp bright text throughout. Poetry. $30


16964. [Fuchs, Gunter  Bruno] Exner, Richard, translator. "Law and Disorder". Unicorn German Series, 1979. First edition. Fine and bright illustrated boards with crisp text throughout. Highly attractive. Illustrated. Poetry. $30


17126. [Garcia Lorca, Federico] Brilliant, Alan, translator. "Tree of Song". Unicorn Keepsake Series. Unicorn Press, 1973. Second printing . Second printing of this edition of early lyrics incorporates corrections in the translations and the original text which has been reset in both Spanish and English. Fine bright clothbound copy with crisp attractive text throughout.  Bilingual.  Stunning. Poetry. $40


17199. [Garcia Lorca, Federico] Brilliant, Alan, translator. "Tree of Song". Unicorn Keepsake Series. Unicorn Press, 1973. Second printing. Fine and bright in crisp untrimmed pages. Bilingual. Attractive all around. Poetry. $40


17281. [Garcia Lorca, Federico] Brilliant, Alan, translator. "Tree of Song". Unicorn Keepsake Series. Unicorn Press, 1971. First edition. Fine bright sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. Quite handsome all around. Poetry. $55


17284. [Garcia Lorca, Federico] Brilliant, Alan, translator. "Tree of Song". Unicorn Keepsake Series. Unicorn Press, 1971. First edition. This book was handset by Rudy Villanueva. Handbound cloth edition by Patti Field. Fine and bright with paper label on spine. Crisp bright attractive text throughout. Quite attractive. . Poetry. $80


17136. Gleason, Madeline. "Concerto For Bell and Telephone". Unicorn, 1967. First edition. SIGNED: Fine wraps in near fine dustjacket with strong square spine and bright text throughout. Signed by the poet on the opening flyleaf. Printed by Andrew Hoyem. Poetry. $85


1550. Gleason, Madeline. "Concerto for Bell and Telephone". Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. 1/500  wraps in paper dustjacket; very good with clean text. Poetry. $35


17204. Gleason, Madeline. "The Interior Castle". Unicorn, 1980. First edition. Memorial edition of 200 copies were handmade by Alan Brilliant at Unicorn Press. First published for Madeline Gleason's poetry reading at the Unicorn Bookshop, February 24, 1967. One long poem fold-out, quite stunning. Very close to fine and bright wraps. Poetry. $55


17458. Gleason, Madeline. "The Interior Castle". Unicorn Press, 1967. Broadside. 13 x 18-1/2. One of 150 copies. Printed for the occasion of the poet's reading at Unicorn Bookshop. Close to fine all around. Little remembered outside of San Francisco. Gleason founded America's first poetry center (at San Francisco State) which she rain with Robert Duncan and James Broughton from WW2 until the 1960's. This poet was also a serious painter.. Poetry. $95


17408. [Gleason, Madeline]. "Unicorn Bookshop Presents Madeline Gleason". Unicorn Press, 1967. Broadside. Announcement for reading by the poet, February 24, 1967. Close to fine. Poetry. $20


17236. Greene, Jonathan. "An Unspoken Complaint". Unicorn, 1970. First edition. One of 120 numbered copies. Unsigned. Close to fine and bright sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. Quite attractive and handmade throughout. Poetry. $50


17335. Greene, Jonathan. "An Unspoken Complaint". Unicorn, 1970. First edition. SIGNED: 120 numbered copies were printed of which the first 60 were signed by this Kentucky poet. This is numbered and signed fully by the poet on the colophon page. Fine and bright sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. Quite handsome. Poetry. $65


17235. Greene, Jonathan. "An Unspoken Complaint". Unicorn, 1970. First edition. SIGNED: 120 numbered copies were printed of which the first 60 were signed by this Kentucky poet. This is numbered and signed fully by the poet on the colophon page. Fine and bright sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. Quite attractive and handmade throughout. Poetry. $55


17087. Griffin, John Howard. "Twelve Photographic Portraits". Unicorn Keepsake series. Unicorn Press, 1973. First edition. Some of the portraits include Mark Van Doren, John Jacob Niles, Wendell Berry, Denise Levertov, Thomas Merton and others.  Explanatory postface by the photographer. Very fine and bright sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. Only 200 made.. Poets / Photography. $40


17156. Griffin, John Howard. "Twelve Photographic Portraits". Unicorn Press, 1973. First edition. Some of the portraits include Mark Van Doren, John Jacob Niles, Wendell Berry, Denise Levertov, Thomas Merton and others.  Explanatory postface by the photographer. Very fine and bright cloth boards  with crisp bright text throughout. Nicely realized gathering . Poets / Photography. $80


17166. [Guillevic] Savory, Teo, translator. "Euclidians". Unicorn, 1975. Second printing. Fine and bright clothbound boards with bright crisp text throughout, limited to 100 copies. Poetry. $40


17031. [Guillevic] Savory, Teo, translator. "Euclidians". Unicorn, 1975. Second printing. Close to fine and bright gatefold wraps. Bright crisp text throughout. Poetry. $20.95


17171. [Guillevic] Savory, Teo, translator. "Euclidians". Unicorn, 1975. First edition. SIGNED: Offered by Unicorn in 1975 in an edition of 300 clothbound copies, printed and binding were done entirely by hand. Fine and bright in acetate cover. Signed by both Guillevic and the editor-translator Teo Savory. One of 26 copies, lettered A-Z, this is the letter S, signed by both the poet and translator using last names only. Poetry. $300


17237. [Guillevic] Savory, Teo, translator. "Selected Poems". Unicorn French Series. Unicorn, 1968. First edition. Translated from the French. Printed by Noel Young and designed by Alan Brilliant. Fine and bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. . Poetry. $30


17135. [Guillevic] Savory, Teo, translator. "Selected Poems". Unicorn French Series. Unicorn, 1968. First edition. Translated from the French. Printed by Noel Young and designed by Alan Brilliant. Fine decorative cloth edition with crisp text throughout.Published on the occasion of the Guillevic/Savory poetry reading at the World Poetry Conference in June 1968. Only 100 copies made. Poetry. $255


17334. [Guillevic] Savory, Teo, translator. "Six Euclidians". Unicorn, 1968. First edition. Fine bright folio illustrated. Poetry. $30


18638. [Guillevic] Teo Savory, translator. "Guillevic". Unicorn Press, 1968 / Unicorn French Series. SIGNED: Translated from the French. Near fine and bright blue cloth edition with bright text throughout. Unique in that it is inscribed the year of publication from both Alan Brilliant, publisher of Unicorn Press, and his wife and translator of the book, Teo Savory, on the opening flyleaf. Poetry. $80


17426. Hadley, Drummond. "Spirit By The Deep Well Tank". Unicorn Press (Painted Cave Books), 1971. Broadside. 12-1/2 x 19. In the poet's handwriting as printed. Dated Santa Fe, March 1, 1971. Close to fine and bright. Poetry. $130


17452. Haines, John. "Guevara". Unicorn Books, 1969. Broadside. 11 x 17. Close to fine with publisher's small sheet announcement. Poetry. $100


17435. Haines, John. "The End of the Street". Unicorn Press. Broadside. 11 x 14 and close to fine and bright all around. Poetry. $100


17253. Haines, John. "The Legend of Paper Plates". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard, 1970. Postcard / First printing. 4-1/2 x 7. Very close to fine and bright card. Poetry. $45


17371. Haines, John. "The Legend of Paper Plates". Unicorn Press, 1970. First edition. SIGNED: Poetry Postcard Series in bright slipcase. Signed by John Haines. One of 50 copies. . Poetry. $130


17219. Haines, John. "The Mirror". Unicorn Press, 1971. First edition. One of 180 copies on Hosho paper, printed by Alan Brilliant. Fine and bright sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. This is one of 120 unsigned. Quite attractive. . Poetry. $100


17336. Haines, John. "The Mirror". Unicorn Press, 1971. First edition. SIGNED: 0f 60 signed copies, this is number 47 of a total 180 copies signed by the poet on the colophon page. Very fine and bright sewn wraps with near fine wrapper. Quite scarce. Poetry. $200


16998. Haines, John. "Twenty Poems". Unicorn, 1971. First edition. Fine and bright gatefold wraps with trifle rub along spine edge. Poetry. $40


17106. Haines, John. "Twenty Poems". Unicorn, 1973. First edition. Very fine and bright gatefold wraps with crisp bright text throughout. Highly attractive. Poetry. $45


13256. Haines, John. "Twenty Poems". Unicorn Press, 1973. First paperback printing. Near fine illustrated stiff wraps with strong spine and crisp text throughout. Poetry. $25


17138. Haines, John. "Twenty Poems". Unicorn, 1971. First edition. One of 485 clothbound editions. This is number 67. Handset and handprinted and handbound. Very fine and bright in close to fine dustjacket. Untrimmed pages. The poet's second book. Poetry. $155


17258. Haines, John and Brilliant, Alan. "Ryder". Unicorn Foundation for the Advancement of Modern Poetry. First edition. "100 years ago Albert Pinkham Ryder left the place of his birth in Massachusetts and 20 years ago moved to New York City. Ryder died 50 years ago." "Ryder" by John Haines is one of the poems in "Twenty Poems" as included here. Alan Brilliant's choice of poem is taken from his "Journeyman" also available from Unicorn Press. One of 450 copies. Very fine and bright with issued envelope. Poetry. $55


17445. Hamburger, Michael. "New Goddess". Unicorn Press, 1968. Broadside. 12 x 16. Illustrated. Close to fine and bright all around. Poetry. $35


17332. Hanh, Thich Nhat. "The Cry of Vietnam". Unicorn Press, 1968. First edition. With drawings by Vo-Dinh. Large reprinting after the first edition; but the true firsts are now unseen. Printed by Noel Young. Very fine and bright wraps with strong spine and crisp text throughout. Very handsome throughout. Poetry. $55


17333. Hanh, Thich Nhat. "The Cry of Vietnam". Unicorn Press, 1971. Later printing. With drawings by Vo-Dinh. Near fine wraps with strong spine and crisp text throughout. . Poetry. $35


17215. Hanh, Thich Nhat. "Viet Nam Poems". Unicorn, 1967. Second printing. Calligraphy by Vo-dinh. Fine and bright wraps printed by Noel Young on Hotta and Origami rice papers and handset typography by Alan Brilliant. Overextended covers creased lightly on edges only, nothing offensive. Poetry. $55


17328. Hanh, Thich Nhat. "Viet Nam Poems". Unicorn, 1967. First edition. Calligraphy by Vo-Dinh. Quite scarce in first edition. Printed by Noel Young on Gazen and Origami Rice papers. Typography by Alan Brilliant. Fine and bright text with near fine wrapping. Poetry. $105


17127. Harvey, Alexander. "Months and Seasons". Unicorn Press, 1980. First edition. SIGNED: This is number 36 of 350 copies handset, handprinted and handbound by Alan Brilliant at Unicorn Press. The poet signed the first 50 hardbound copies. Very fine all around beautifully stitched clothbound edition. Poetry. $55


17292. Hebald, Carol. "Three Blind Mice". Unicorn Press, 1989. First edition. Very fine and bright in like illustrated dustjacket with crisp text throughout. Quite attractive. . Poetry. $22.5


17361. Hemley, Cecil. "The Lost One". Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. Fine and bright broadside. 7-1/2 x 12-1/2. Poetry. $45


17064. Hershon, Robert. "Atlantic Avenue". Unicorn Press, 1970. First edition. SIGNED: One of 375 copies designed by Alan Brilliant and printed by Noel Young. One of 250 copies that were sewn in paper wraps, numbered and signed by the poet. With errata sheet tipped in. Close to fine all around. Poetry. $40


17124. Hershon, Robert. "Atlantic Avenue". Unicorn Press, 1970. First edition. SIGNED: The first 125 copies, clothbound, numbered and signed by the poet of the total 375. This is number 86 and signed by the poet. Fine bright decorative cloth with crisp highly attractive text throughout. Poetry. $55


13714. Hershon, Robert. "Little Red Wagon Painted Blue". Unicorn Press, 1972. First edition. Fine bright illustrated wraps with strong spine and crisp text throughout. Poetry. $15


16970. Hershon, Robert. "Little Red Wagon Painted Blue". Unicorn Press, 1972. First edition. Fine and bright illustrated stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Highly attractive. Poetry. $15


17004. Hershon, Robert. "Little Red Wagon Painted Blue". Unicorn Press, 1972. Fine bright illustrated wraps with strong spine and crisp text throughout. 1000 printed but half were lost during a move from west to east coast. Poetry. $25


17419. Hirschman, Jack. "Europe 1967". Unicorn Press, 1968. Broadside. 8 x 17. Fine and bright all around. Poetry. $55


17437. Hitchcock, George. "Commemoration Poem". Unicorn Press, 1967. Broadside. 10 x 15. Very close to fine and bright all around. Poetry. $55


17469. Hitchcock, George. "Song of Expectancy". Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet 6. 11-1/2 x 18. Fine and bright all around. Poetry. $55


17498. Hitchcock, George. "Song of Expectancy". Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadside. SIGNED: Unicorn Broadsheet 6. 12 x 17-1/2. Fine and bright all around. Signed by the poet. Fine and attractive all around. Deckled-edge. Poetry. $130


17350. Hitchcock, George. "The Dolphin With The Revolver In Its Teeth". Unicorn Press, 1968. First edition. Engravings by Gary H. Brown. One of 100 copies printed by Noel Young. Fine and bright yellow cover cloth edition with crisp text throughout. Without Gary Brown's original etchings. Out of print since 1968. Wild yellow cover art. Poetry. $155


17349. Hitchcock, George. "The Dolphin With The Revolver In Its Teeth". Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. Engravings by Gary H. Brown. One of 500 with Gary Brown engraving on yellow cover with one other engraving in the text.  Panel label on "Rhododendron" brown paper cover. A humdinger. Fine and bright and highly attractive all around. Poetry / Art. $85


17210. Hitchcock, George. "The Dolphin With The Revolver In Its Teeth". Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. Engravings by Gary H. Brown. Very close to fine and bright over large wraps with strong square spine and crisp bright profusely illustrated text throughout.  Panel label on "Rhododendron" brown paper cover. A humdinger. Overextended wraps just slightly bumped, nothing offensive. Poetry / Art. $85


17246. Hitchcock, George. "The One Whose Reproach I Cannot Evade". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard, 1967. Postcard. Card with issued envelope. Fine all around. Poetry. $35


17247. Hitchcock, George. "Two Poems".  Returning When You Have Gone / The One Whose Reproach I Cannot Evade. Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard, 1967. Postcard. Two poems. One of 450 copies. Fine and bright all around with issued envelope. Poetry. $35


17105. Hogan, Michael. "Letters For My Son". Unicorn Press, 1975. First edition. This first edition consists of 626 copies of which the first 26 have been signed by the poet and the first numbered 126 copies have been clothbound. The remainder have been sewn into paper wraps. This is numbered 417. Near fine sewn wraps with bright text throughout. Poetry. $55


17158. Hogan, Michael. "Letters For My Son". Unicorn Press, 1975. First edition. This first edition consists of 626 copies of which the first 26 have been signed by the poet and the first numbered 126 copies have been clothbound. This is one of the unnumbered clothbound copies with untrimmed pages. Fine and bright green cloth boards  with crisp bright text throughout. The poet's first book. Poetry. $155


17160. Hogan, Michael. "Letters For My Son". Unicorn Press, 1975. First edition. SIGNED: This first edition consists of 626 copies of which the first 26 have been signed by the poet and the first numbered 126 copies have been clothbound. This is the extremely scarce clothbound and numbered "1" of 26 numbered and signed copies. Fine green boards with bright crisp text throughout. No dustjacket issued. Highly attractive. The poet's first book. Poetry. $355


17317. Hollo, Anselm. "Message". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard Series, 1970. Postcard. 4-1/2 x 6-1/2. Near fine and bright all around. Attractive. Poetry. $20


17240. Hollo, Anselm. "Message". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard Series, 1970. Postcard. 4-1/2 x 6-1/2. Near fine and bright all around. Attractive. Poetry. $45


17244. Hollo, Anselm. "Message". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard Series, 1970. Second printing / Postcard. 4-1/2 x 6-1/2. Fine all around. Attractive. Poetry. $25


17477. Hollo, Anselm. "Swirl". Unicorn Press, 1971. Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet Series II, No. VI. Photograph of Clementis by Claire Trotter. 19 x 22. Fine all around. Poetry. $80


17489. Hollo, Anselm. "Swirl". Unicorn Press, 1971. Broadside. SIGNED: Unicorn Broadsheet Series II, No. VI. Photograph of Clementis by Claire Trotter. 19 x 22. Fine all around. Handsome. Signed. Poetry. $100


17424. Hughes, Langston. "Germination". Unicorn Press, 1967. Broadside. 9 x 13. Very close to fine and bright all around. Poetry. $55


17423. Hughes, Langston. "Is Love?". Unicorn Press, 1967. Broadside. 8 x 13. Fine and bright all around. Poetry. $55


17440. Hughes, Langston. "Pair in One". Unicorn Press, 1968. Broadside. 9 x 11. Fine and bright all around. Poetry. $55


17356. Jarrett, Emmett. "Ikon". Unicorn Press, 1971. First edition. SIGNED: One of 50 copies have been signed by the poet. This is number four. Very close to fine and bright attractive folded broadside. Poetry. $50


17363. Jarrett, Emmett. "Ikon". Unicorn Press, 1970. First edition. Fine and bright broadside. One of 300, completely handcrafted. Poetry. $35


17088. Kaufman, Shirley. "Looking At Henry Moore's Elephant Skull Etchings in Jerusalem During the War". Unicorn Press, 1979. Second printing. Fine with trifle bump illustrated stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Of 250 copies, this is number 61. Poetry. $25


17102. Kaufman, Shirley. "Looking At Henry Moore's Elephant Skull Etchings in Jerusalem During the War". Unicorn Press, 1977. First edition. SIGNED: Etchings by Henry Moore. 26 of the clothbound copies of this edition were letter A-Z were printed on Arches text paper and were signed by the poet. Fine and bright blue cloth with crisp and bright untrimmed pages. Poetry. $100


16999. [Kwaja Shams Al-Din Muhammad] Cloutier, David, versions by. "Hafiz of Shiraz". News of Love, Poems of Separation and Union. Unicorn, 1984. First edition. Part of the Unicorn Keepsake Series Vol. XI. Fine and bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Poetry. $17


17459. Lee, Jo Anne. "On The Fires of Jerry Lee Lewis". Unicorn Press, 1969. Broadside. Six poems and one drawing. Near fine and bright all around. Poetry. $30


17193. Levine, Philip. "5 Detroits". Unicorn, 1970. First edition. Fine and bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Trifle sunning to spine, nothing offensive. Scarce.. Poetry. $80


17288. Levine, Philip. "5 Detroits". Unicorn, 1970. First edition. SIGNED: The author numbered and signed the first 50 clothbound copies of which this is one. Numbered at 44, and fully signed by the poet on the colophon page. Very fine and bright cloth boards with crisp text throughout. Highly attractive. Poetry. $455


17155. Levine, Philip. "5 Detroits". Unicorn, 1970. First edition. One of 225 bound in black holliston sail-cloth. Fine. Bright crisp text throughout, highly attractive. The poet's second book. Poetry. $205


16972. Levine, Philip. "Pili's Wall". Unicorn Press, 1971. 1986 edition. One of 500 copies.  Fine bright sewn wraps with crisp illustrated text throughout. Highly attractive. Poetry. $45


17129. Lindsay, Sarah. "Insomniac's Lullaby". Unicorn Press, 1989. First edition. Very fine and bright clothbound edition with crisp text throughout. Quite attractive. . Poetry. $35


17242. Lipsitz, Lou. "Touching the Earth". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard, 1970. Postcard. 4-1/2 x 7.  Fine all around. Attractive. Poetry. $30


17232. Lipsitz, Lou. "Touching the Earth". Unicorn Press. First edition. edition of only 30 numbered copies. 4-1/2 x 7 . Near fine and bright card in acetate issued wrap, signed by the poet. Poetry. $55


17353. Loewinsohn, Ron. "3 Backyard Dramas With Mamas". Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. One of 400 copies but most were scrapped, not living up to the poet's high printing standards. Rumor has it that only 20 exist of which this is one. With Unicorn Press sheet requesting all copies to be returned, slipped in. Fine and bright loose wraps text in wrapper. Bright all around. Poetry. $155


17182. Lourie, Dick. "Letter to Answer". Unicorn, 1972. First edition. One of 400 paper wraps. This is a numbered issue. Near fine sewn wraps with crisp brighttext throughout. Quite attractive. . Poetry. $22.95


17348. Lourie, Dick. "Letter to Answer". Unicorn, 1972. First edition. SIGNED: One of 450 copies of which the first 50 ,and this is one, are signed and numbered by the poet, casebound into cloth. Printed by the Grace Hoper Press. This is number 7 signed by the poet on the colophon page. Fine and bright with paper label to spine. Quite scarce. Poetry. $55


17481. Lucie-Smith, Edward, edtior. "<text>. Unicorn Folio Series 3, No. 2, . Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadsides. This is number 8, one of 375. The poets include Tarn, Patten, MacBeth, Redgrove, Lucie-Smith, Henri, Porter, Hughes, Harwood, Tomlinson. One of 375 numbered copies, this folio of British Poetry was published as the 10th Unicorn folio in a series of 12. Typography by Alan Brilliant and printed by Noel Young. Fine and bright illustrated and quite tall folio. Each sheet is quite fine and handsome throughout. Exquisite production. Poetry. $505


17006. Maloney, Dennis. "The Map Is Not The Territory". Poems and Translations. Unicorn Press, 1990. First edition. Very fine and bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Publisher's card from White Pine Press enclosed. Poems and selected translations 1972-1989. Poetry. $15


17245. Matthews, William. "The Drunken Baker". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard Series, 1971. Postcard. 5 x 6-1/2.  Fine all around. Attractive. Poetry. $45


17256. Matthews, William. "The Drunken Baker". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard Series, 1971. Postcard. Fine and bright all around. Quite attractive.  Signed edition of 30 copies only. In acetate cover.. Poetry. $80


17412. Maytag, Ken. "For Jim Owens". Unicorn Bookshop, 1969. Broadside. SIGNED: One of 100 copies. 9 x 14 , signed by the poet. Fine and bright. Poetry. $45


17425. Maytag, Ken. "The Weather's Fine". Unicorn Press, 1968. Broadside. Illustrated 10 x 17. Near fine and bright. Poetry. $35


17201. Maytag, Kenneth. "Word Burning Stove". Unicorn Press, 1969. First edition. One of 300 copies printed for friends of the poet and Unicorn Press, December 25, 1969. Very close to fine and bright sewn wraps with crisp bright text throughout. Poetry. $35


17416. McAndrews, Jeri. "<text>. Unicorn Press, 1990. Broadside. 11-1/2 x 17-1/2. One of only 25. Woodblock by David Nikis. Broadside Series never released. Close to fine and brightly illusrated. Poetry. $65


17080. McAndrews, Jeri. "The Museum of  Outside Art". Unicorn Press, 1990. First edition. Very fine and bright illustrated stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp illustrated text throughout.  Proof copy with Unicorn Press attractive stamp to half title page. The slightest spotting to fore edge. Otherwise highly attractive. $30


17184. Meltzer, David. "Abulafia Song". Unicorn, 1969. First edition. Folding broadside designed by Alan Brilliant and printed by Noel Young. Near fine wraps. Poetry.. $55


17470. Meltzer, David. "For Raymond Chandler". Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet 5. 12-1/2 x 19. Close to fine and bright. Quite attractive. . Poetry. $80


17497. Meltzer, David. "For Raymond Chandler". Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadside. SIGNED: Unicorn Broadsheet 5. 12-1/2 x 19. One of 30. This is signed by the poet. Near fine with trifle darkening along top edge, very slight. Poetry. $105


17457. Meltzer, David. "Nature Poem". Unicorn Press. Broadside. 13 x 19. Illustrated. Fine and attractive all around. One of 126 copies published by Unicorn Press and printed by Noel Young on the occasion of Meltzer's poetry reading at the Unicorn Bookshop. Engraving by Janeen Van Den Berg. The design hand and printer of this broadside was Alan Brilliant. His memory about work on the broadside "after designing 100 copies of this poem, I hated the Gill-Cameo-Type on it." Brilliant destroyed the entire print run and did it over without "Cameo" of which 5 were kept aside. This is one of the five and the true first printing of the broadside.. Poetry. $130


17123. Merton, Thomas. "Introductions East & West". The Foreign Prefaces of Thomas Merton. Unicorn Press, 1981. First edition. Fine and bright pictorial stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp attractive illustrated text throughout. Quite something. Prose. $45


17468. Merton, Thomas. "St. Maedoc". Fragment of  An IKon. Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet 7. 11-1/2 x 16 deckled-edge. Fine and bright all around. Quite uncommon. . Poetry. $255


17194. Merton, Thomas. "St. Maedoc". Unicorn, 1970. First edition. A fragment of an ikon. Unicorn Broadside Series Vol. 1, No. 7. Handmade throughout on copper plate paper by Alan Brilliant. One of 300 copies. Near fine fold-out broadside of one attractive long poem. Text crisp and bright throughout. Poetry. $255


17195. Merton, Thomas / Griffin, John Howard / Monsignor Horrigan. "The Thomas Merton Studies Center". Volume 1. Unicorn Press, 1971. First edition. Fine and bright sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. Quite attractive.  Quite scarce. $80


17343. Merton, Thomas / Griffin, John Howard / Monsignor Horrigan. "The Thomas Merton Study Center". Unicorn Press, 1971. First edition. One of 500 copies. Fine bright illustrated clothbound with crisp text throughout. Literature. $200


17243. Merwin, W. S.. "Japanese Figures". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard Series No. 3, 1971. Postcard. 5 x 6-1/2.  Fine all around. Quite attractive.  . Poetry. $55


17478. Merwin, W. S.. "Japanese Figures". Unicorn Press, 1971. Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet Series II, No. 8. 12 x 19. Fine and bright all around. Highly attractive. Poetry. $130


17251. Merwin, W. S.. "Japanese Figures". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard Series 3, No. 3, 1971. Postcard. A signed edition of 50 copies only. Fine and bright all around. Very attractive. In acetate cover.Signed.. Poetry. $205


17342. Merwin, W. S.. "Japanese Figures". Unicorn, 1971. First edition. SIGNED: One of 375 copies. This is number 17.  Printed December 1970 by the Grace Hoper Press. The first 125 copies have been casebound in cloth and signed by the poet on the colophon page with exquisite color initial on the full title page. Very close to fine and bright green boards with crisp text throughout. Poetry. $255


20831. Merwin, W. S.. "Japanese Figures". Unicorn, 1971. First edition. SIGNED: One of 137 which are numbered and signed by the poet. Near fine sewn wraps with bright text throughout. Bump to lower left hand corner. Poetry. $65


20832. Merwin, W. S.. "Japanese Figures". Unicorn, 1971. First edition. SIGNED: Green cloth edition as issued without dustjacket. One of 375 copies of which 125 have been casebound in cloth, this is number 85. Fully signed by the poet on the colophon page. Very close to fine with the slightest rub. Poetry. $200


17212. [Michaux, Henri]  Savory, Teo, translator. "Selected Poems". Unicorn French Series. Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. Fine bright wraps all around with strong square spine and crisp bright text throughout. Includes two mescaline drawings. Bilingual. Poetry. $40


17369. Miles, Josephine. "Bent". Unicorn Press. First edition. Poetry card. Handmade. One of 400 copies. Fine and bright in issued envelope. Poetry. $30


17405. Morshen, Nikolai. "The Seal". Unicorn Press. Broadside. 11-3/4 x 15. Close to fine broadside. Poetry. $50


37135. Mottram, Eric. "Allen Ginsberg in the Sixties". Unicorn Bookshop / Brighton / Seattle, 1972. First edition. Very good pictorial wraps with some age tone. We note some neat and clean marking to a few pages by a former owner (another writer).. Poetry. $20


16961. Nhat Hanh. "Zen Poems / Panels of Bo Dinh". translated by Teo Savory. Unicorn Press, 1976. Very fine and bright sewn wraps. Illustrated profusely throughout.   . Poetry. $50


17411. Oberg, Arthur. "And The Liberals Sat Down to Eat". Unicorn Press, 1968. Broadside. 11-1/2 x 18. Close to fine and bright illustrated broadside. Quite attractive. . Poetry. $50


6323. Older, Julia. "Oonts and Others". Unicorn Press, 1982. First edition. With praise from Richard Eberhart. Near fine stiff wraps with excellent spine and crisp text. Trifle shelf rub. Poetry. $10.95


16963. Older, Julia. "Oonts and Others". Unicorn Press, 1982. First edition. Close to fine stiff wraps with crisp text throughout. Poetry. $10.95


17026. Older, Julia. "Oonts and Others". Unicorn, 1982. First edition. Close to fine stiff wraps with crisp text throughout. Poetry. $20


17130. Older, Julia. "Oonts And Others". Unicorn, 1982. First edition. SIGNED edition. Julia Older signed 26 copies of this special edition. This is one of the 26. Very fine and bright yellow cloth with crisp text throughout. Poetry. $30


17027. Older, Julia. "Oonts and Others". Unicorn, 1982. First edition. Fine and very bright in near fine dustjacket with trifle age toning. With crisp illustrated text throughout. Quite attractive. . Poetry. $20


17285. [Pasternak, Boris] Kline, George L., translator. "Seven Poems". Unicorn, 1972. Second edition, March 1972. Very close to fine and bright wraps with crisp text throughout. Quite attractive. . Poetry. $25


17189. [Pasternak, Boris] Kline, George L., translator. "Seven Poems". Unicorn, 1969. First edition. Very close to fine and bright sewn wraps with crisp bright. text throughout. Quite attractive. Printed by Noel Young and designed by Alan Brilliant. Poetry. $45


17153. [Pasternak, Boris] Kline, George L., translator. "Seven Poems". Unicorn, 1972. Second edition. Very fine and bright cloth edition with crisp text throughout. Highly attractive.  750 copies printed, of which all but a few dozen were destroyed because of imperfections. Poetry. $55


17354. Patchen, Kenneth. "The Way Men Live Is Alive". Unicorn Press [n.d.]. First edition. 10 x 11-1/2 broadside. A poem that the poet wrote in 1944. Near fine. Poetry. $200


17038. Peters, Robert. "Cane". Unicorn, 1985. Second printing. Illustrated. Fine bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Photographs. Poetry. $16.95


16967. Peters, Robert. "Hawker". Unicorn Press, 1984. First edition. Fine bright illustrated stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Poetry. $15


17037. Peters, Robert. "Hawker". Unicorn, 1984. Fine bright illustrated stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Poetry. $16.95


16968. Peters, Robert. "Kane". Unicorn Press, 1985. First edition. Illustrated. Fine bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Photographs. Poetry. $15


33790. Peters, Robert. "Kane". Unicorn, 1995. SIGNED. Near fine bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp bright text throughout. Signed by the poet on the half title page. Poetry. $20


17475. Piercy, Marge. "When The Drought Broke". Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet Series II, No. 1. Woodblock by Dick Crispo. 13 x 20. Very close to fine and bright all around. Poetry. $105


17483. Piercy, Marge. "When The Drought Broke". Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadside. SIGNED: Unicorn Broadsheet Series II, No. 1. Woodblock by Dick Crispo. 13 x 20. Close to fine and bright all around. Signed by the poet. Poetry. $155


9813. Piontek, Heinz. "Alive or Dead". Unicorn Press, 1975. First edition. Translated by Richard Exner. Close to fine wraps with excellent spine and crisp text throughout. Poetry. $15


17012. Piontek, Heinz. "Alive or Dead". Unicorn German Series. Unicorn, 1975. First edition. Fine and bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Poetry. $22.5


16965. [Piontek, Heinz] Exner, Richard, translator. "Alive or Dead". Unicorn German Series, 1975. First edition. Fine bright illustrated stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Poetry. $17.95


17145. [Piontek, Heinz] Exner, Richard, translator. "Alive or Dead". Unicorn German Series. Unicorn, 1975. First edition. Unicorn German Series. Close to fine and bright clothbound copy with crisp text throughout. . Poetry. $40


17409. [Prevert, Jacques] Savory, Teo, adaptation. "Strangers Estranged". Unicorn Press. Broadside. 8 x 18. Close to fine and bright. Poetry. $50


17447. [Prevert, Jacques] Savory, Teo, translation. "Barbara". Unicorn Press, 1967. Broadside. 8 x 18. Very close to fine and bright all around. Attractive. Poetry. $50


17213. [Prevert, Jacques] Savory, Teo, translator. "English Adaptations / Prevert II : English Adaptations". Unicorn French Series. Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. TWO VOLUMES - English Adaptations : Fine and bright all around stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp bright text throughout. Prevert II : English Adaptations : Fine and bright all around stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp bright text throughout. Just the slightest fading to spine title. Poetry. $65


17152. [Prevert, Jacques] Savory, Teo, translator. "Words for All Seasons". Unicorn Press, 1979. First printing. Only 300 copies were handprinted and handbound; half paper and half cloth. This is number 197 of the paper edition. Very close to fine and bright strong spine and crisp text throughout. Poetry. $55


40625. Queneau, Raymond / translated from the French by Teo Savory. "Raymond Queneau". Unicorn French Series, Unicorn Press, 1971. First edition. Bilingual. Near fine illustrated boards with crisp bright text throughout. Has become scarce. Poetry. $55


17430. [Reverdy, Pierre] Anne Hyde Greet, translator. "Three Prose Poems". Unicorn Press, 1968. Broadside. Fine and bright foldout broadside. Poetry. $40


17462. Rexroth, Kenneth. "All Year Long". Four Ancient Folksongs. Unicorn Press, 1969. Broadside. Calligraphy by Vo-Dinh. Unicorn Broadsheet No. 4. 12 x 18. Very close to fine and bright all around. Poetry. $180


13370. Rexroth, Kenneth. "Sky Sea Birds Trees Earth House Beasts Flowers". Unicorn Press, 1973. First Trade  Edition, March 1, 1973. Very fine and bright wraps in highly attractive crisp text. The slightest sticker shadow to cover, barely noticeable. Poetry. $40


17216. Rexroth, Kenneth. "Sky See Birds Trees Earth House Beast Flowers". Unicorn, 1973. Was reprinted from the original edition which was handset, handprinted and handbound. Near fine perfect bound with strong square spine and crisp bright text throughout.. Poetry. $65


17214. Rexroth, Kenneth. "Sky See Birds Trees Earth House Beast Flowers". Unicorn, 1973. First edition. First trade edition. Was reprinted from the original edition which was handset, handprinted and handbound. Fine and bright , sewn in exquisite text, bright and crisp throughout. Eleven poems and thirteen drawings by the poet. Poetry. $130


17217. Rexroth, Kenneth. "Sky See Birds Trees Earth House Beast Flowers". Unicorn, 1971. First trade edition. One of 375 trade paper editions, sewn on Gazen paper. Handmade throughout, 11 poems and 13 drawings by Kenneth Rexroth. Near fine and bright sewn wraps . Poetry. $130


17218. Rexroth, Kenneth. "Sky See Birds Trees Earth House Beast Flowers". Unicorn 1971. First edition. 26 copies were lettered A-Z and signed by the poet. Each copy with a sheet of the original manuscript laid in. An edition of 150 numbered copies of which this is one are also handbound in full cloth. This is number 27 unsigned. Very fine all around sewn cloth boards with crisp text throughout. Quite stunning. Poetry. $305


17479. Reynolds, Tim. "I'm Sorry". Unicorn Press. Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet Series II, No. 10. 11-1/2 x 19. Very close to fine and bright all around. Poetry. $105


17492. Reynolds, Tim. "I'm Sorry". Unicorn Press. Broadside. SIGNED: Unicorn Broadsheet Series II, No. 10. 11-1/2 x 19. Fine and bright all around. Signed by the poet. Poetry. $200


17065. Reynolds, Tim. "Slocum". Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. Very close to fine and bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp bright text throughout. . Poetry. $40


17125. Reynolds, Tim. "Slocum". Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. 500 copies of this book were published including 30 numbered copies clothbound and signed by the poet; and 50 others hardbound. This is one of the 50 hardbound copies, pages untrimmed. Very close to fine and bright orange cloth with bright attractive untrimmed pages throughout. The slightest age toning to opening flyleaf, nothing offensive. Poetry. $130


17176. Reynolds, Tim. "Slocum". Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. SIGNED: 500 copies of this book were published including 30 numbered copies clothbound and signed by the poet; and 50 others hardbound. This is number 29 signed by the poet on the colophon pages. Typography by Alan Brilliant and printed by Noel Young. Limited. Very fine lush day glow tie-dyed clothbound boards. Poetry. $230


17357. Reynolds, Tim. "Slocum" and "Sagittarius-Song". Two Poems . Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. Two poem folded wraps, measures 9-1/2 x 12-1/2 closed. Near fine and bright all around. One of 500 copies. Released as an advertiser for a Tim Reynold's book "Slocum". . Poetry. $60


17241. Reynolds, Tim. "The Oath". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard Series 4, No. 1, 1971. Postcard. 5 x 6.  Fine all around. Attractive. Poetry. $55


17252. Reynolds, Tim. "The Oath". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard Series 4, No. 1, 1971. Postcard. Edition of 30 copies only. Fine and bright all around. Very attractive. In acetate cover and signed by the poet. Poetry. $100


17358. Reynolds, Tim. "Three Poems ". Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. This publication includes "A Little Suite For Catullus" originally intended for inclusion in the Unicorn Folio II, but the broadside at Reynolds' request was destroyed. Only a few curiousity copies remain. One of 20 copies. Very uncommon. Fine and bright with trifle wrinkle, nothing offensive. Poetry. $155


17066. Rothenberg, Jerome. "Esther K. Comes to America 1931". Unicorn, 1974. First edition. Fine and bright pictorial stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. . Poetry. $55


17480. Rothenberg, Jerome. "Net of Sun / Net of Moon". Pawnee Hand Game Visions for Paul Blackburn. Unicorn Press, 1971. Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet Series II, No. 9. 12 x 19. Fine and brght illustrated all around. Very handsome. Poetry. $105


17488. Rothenberg, Jerome. "Net of Sun / Net of Moon". Pawnee Hand Game Visions for Paul Blackburn. Unicorn Press, 1971. Broadside. SIGNED: Unicorn Broadsheet Series II, No. 9. 12 x 19. Fine and brght illustrated all around. Very handsome. Signed.. Poetry. $130


13358. Rothenberg, Jerome. "Poland / 1931". Unicorn Press, 1970. First edition. Printed by Noel Young on handmade Japanese paper. One of 500 limited trade edition. This is number 259. Loose sheets and photo cards tucked into slipcase binding. Near fine. From the library of David Ignatow. Poetry. $35


17178. Rothenberg, Jerome. "Poland / 1931". Unicorn Press, 1970. First edition. One of 500. Photomontage by Eleanor Antin. Box framework of cloth-covered boards. Loose sheets, bright and crisp. Close to fine all around. Poetry. $50


17179. Rothenberg, Jerome. "Poland / 1931". Unicorn Press, 1970. First edition. SIGNED: One of 500. Photomontage by Eleanor Antin. Red cloth box sleeve. Loose sheets, bright and crisp. Printed by Noel Young on handmade Japanese paper bound by Donald Rojo. Designed by Alan Brilliant. Three editions of this book have appeared and a signed edition A-J edition for friends of the poet and press. Signed edition numbere 1-50 and a limited trade edition of 500 copies, numbered 51-500. One of the 1-50, this is number 2 and fully signed by Jerome Rothenberg. Very close to fine.. Poetry. $200


17327. Rothenberg, Jerome. "Polish Anecdotes". Unicorn Press, 1970. First edition. One of 250 copies printed at Unicorn Press. Very close to fine and bright sewn wraps. Poetry. $55


17230. Rothenberg, Jerome. "Polish Anecdotes". Unicorn Press, 1970. First edition. SIGNED: 250 copies printed on Hayle at Unicorn Press. This is number 155 and signed by Jerome Rothenberg. Very close to fine sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. Exquisite all around. Poetry. $105


17466. Rothenberg, Jerome. "Polish Anecdotes (The Banquet)". Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet Series 1, No. 9. Illustrated and fine all around. 12 x 18. . Poetry. $80


17500. Rothenberg, Jerome. "Polish Anecdotes (The Banquet)". Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadside. SIGNED: Unicorn Broadsheet Series 1, No. 9. Illustrated. Fine and bright with the lightest age tone to one corner which could be seen to blend into the design. 12 x 18. . Poetry. $130


17364. Rothenberg, Jerome. "The Beadle's Testimony". Unicorn Press. First edition. Poetry card with no priority. One of 300. Fine and bright all around. Poetry. $50


17418. Rothenberg, Jerome, arrangement. "Offering Flowers". 1968 / UNICORN. Broadside. Translated from the Nahuatl by Arthur J. O. Anderson and Charles E. Dibble. Illustrated. Fine. 12 x 18. One of 350 copies. Quite attractive.  The printing and design hand on this one is Alan Brilliant who remembers this broadside as the most beautiful piece he had ever created, a happy combination of oatmeal paper and terracotta ink.. Poetry. $130


17196. Rubin, Ilya. "Escape / Poem Fom the Revolution". Unicorn, 1982. First edition. Fine bright fold-out long poem with poet's photograph in like wraps. One of 500 copies. Poetry. $30


17351. Rukeyser, Muriel. "The Outer Banks". Unicorn Press. First edition. One of 950 copies have been printed by Noel Young. Very handsome on purple Fabrinno cover.  No fading! Extremely rare in this condition. Fine wraps and bright throughout. Poetry. $255


17352. Rukeyser, Muriel. "The Outer Banks". Unicorn Press. First edition. One of 26 clothbound copies A-Z signed by the poet. This is "B" on the colophon page. Fine and bright in near fine dustwrapper. Quite scarce . Poetry. $455


17367. Rukeyser, Muriel. "The Poem As Mask". Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. Poetry postcard with designed round corners. Fine. Poetry. $55


17438. Sabines, Jaime / Elinor Randall. "Dos Poemas" / "Two Poems". Unicorn Press. Broadside. Translated as two poems by Elinor Randall. Close to fine and bright all around two poem folder. Poetry. $50


19638. Savory, Teo. "A Childhood". Unicorn, 1978. First edition. SIGNED: Fine and bright in near fine illustrated dustjacket with tiny chip. Inscribed affectionately by the author and dated the year of publication on the opening flyleaf. Poet. $25


16990. Savory, Teo. "A Childhood". Unicorn, 1978. First edition. Fine and bright in close to fine decorative dustjacket with crisp bright text throughout. Highly  attractive. Poet / Prose. $20


17319. Savory, Teo. "A Christmas Message Received During A Car Ride". Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. One of 500 copies. Fine bright sewn wraps in issued envelope. Poetry. $20


16992. Savory, Teo. "A Clutch of Fables". Unicorn, 1976. First edition. Nine drawings by  Emil Antonucci. Fine and bright decorative boards in close to fine dustjacket with the slightest sunning to spine. One of 300 issued. Poet / Fiction. $20


17077. Savory, Teo. "A Clutch of Fables". Unicorn, 1977. Fine bright gatefold wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. . Poet / Prose. $20


17407. Savory, Teo. "Ash Wednesday". Unicorn Press, 1968. Broadside. 8 x 9. Fine broadside. Poetry. $35


17406. Savory, Teo. "Shapes". Unicorn Press, 1967. Broadside. 10 x 14. Near fine and bright broadside. Poetry. $40


8319. Savory, Teo. "Snow Vole". Unicorn Press, 1968. First edition. Fine bright sewn wraps in very good cover. Scuffed a bit. Another poet's neat signature to opening page which affects none of the text. Poetry. $11.95


17181. Savory, Teo. "Snow Vole". A Poetry Sequence. Unicorn, 1968. First edition. 500 copies printed on Curtis Rag. Near fine sewn wraps. Poetry. $25


17340. Savory, Teo. "Snow Vole". Poetry Sequence. Unicorn, 1968. First edition. 600 copies printed on Curtis and close to fine all around wraps. Poetry. $30


17341. Savory, Teo. "Snow Vole". Poetry Sequence 1968. Unicorn, 1968. First edition. 600 copies printed on Curtis Rag, of which 50, and this is one, are hardbound. Designed and handset by Alan Brilliant and printed by Noel Young. Very close to fine with trifle rub blue covers with paper title to spine. The slightest age toning to inside boards because of the glue that was used, nothing offensive. Poetry. $55


17175. Savory, Teo. "Snow Vole". A Poetry Sequence. Unicorn, 1968. First edition. SIGNED: 600 copies printed on Curtis Rag of which 50 are handbound and 26 signed by the poet, clothbound by Donald Rojo. Designed and handset by Alan Brilliant and printed by Noel Young. This is lettered B and signed by the poet Teo Savory. Very close to fine and bright in like bright untrimmed pages. Attractive throughout. The author's second book of poetry. Poetry. $80


17072. Savory, Teo. "Stonecrop". The Country I Remember. Unicorn, 1977. First edition. Fine and bright gatefold wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. A gifted novelist's history of a place and of the people who make it the place it is. Poet / Prose. $20


17386. Savory, Teo. "Stonecrop". Unicorn Press. Audio Tape. One of only 125 copies ever made of the author reading "Stonecrop". Teo Savory  (1907-1989) is the co-founder of the Unicorn Press. Fine in case. Privately printed. Poetry. $35


16991. Savory, Teo. "Stonecrop". The Country I Remember. Unicorn, 1977. First edition. Fine and bright in close to fine dustjacket.  A gifted novelist's history of a place and of the people who make it the place it is. Poet / Prose. $30


17344. Savory, Teo. "Stonecrop Announcement Card". Unicorn Press, 1977. Along with information about the author's work. Fine bright folio card. Poet. $15


17223. Savory, Teo. "The House-Wrecker". Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. Published on the occasion of Miss Teo Savory's poetry reading, March 17, 1967 at the Unicorn Bookshop. Printed by Noel Young and handset by Alan Brilliant. Long fold-out broadside. Fine and bright. One of 300. Scarce. Poetry. $45


17074. Savory, Teo. "The Landscape of Dreams". Unicorn, 1985. First edition. Very close to fine and bright gatefold stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. . Poet / Prose. $20


17282. Savory, Teo. "The Origin of Cats". Unicorn Press. One of 230 numbered copies, handset and handprinted. This is number 66. Close to fine fold out wraps. One long poem. Poetry. $35


17293. Savory, Teo. "The Single Secret". Unicorn, 1986. Later printing. Teo's first Berkshire County novel. Reprint of the novelist's second novel. Fine and very bright in near fine dustjacket with crisp text throughout. Highly attractive. Poet / Fiction. $20


17467. Savory, Teo. "Thoughts After Visiting the Library at Lenox". Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadside. 11-1/2 x 18 deckled-edge. Fine and bright all around. Poetry. $45


17499. Savory, Teo. "Thoughts After Visiting the Library at Lenox". Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadside. SIGNED: 11-1/2 x 18 deckled-edge. Close to fine with the lightest blemish along one top edge corner, barely visible. Otherwise fine and bright. Signed. Poetry. $80


17120. Savory, Teo. "To A High Place". Unicorn Press, 1977. First paperback edition. One of 100. Never officially released in wraps by the press. Fine and bright gatefold wraps with decorative cover art, crisp attractive text throughout. Highly attractive. Poetry. $55


17134. Savory, Teo. "To A High Place". Unicorn, 1972. First edition. Handmade throughout. Fine cloth edition in like bright decorative dustjacket. Scarce in this fine condition. Crisp bright text throughout. Never read. Poetry. $55


17075. Savory, Teo. "To Raise A Rainbow". Unicorn, 1980. First edition. Close to fine stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout.  Gatefold wraps. Poet / Prose. $20


17291. Savory, Teo. "To Raise A Rainbow". Unicorn, 1980. First edition. Very fine and bright white clothbound boards with crisp text throughout. . Poet . $30


17078. Savory, Teo. "To Raise A Rainbow". Unicorn, 1980. First edition. Fine and very bright in near fine dustjacket with crisp text throughout. Poet . $30


17073. Savory, Teo. "To Raise A Rainbow". Unicorn, 1980. First edition. SIGNED: The first edition of this novel consists of 1500 copies of which the first 26 lettered A-Z were signed by the author. This edition is a signed edition with letter F signed by Teo Savory. Very fine and bright clothbound edition with crisp bright text throughout. Poet / Prose. $80


8320. Savory, Teo. "Transitions". Unicorn Press, 1973. First edition. Near fine bright wraps with excellent spine and another poet's neat signature to opening flyleaf which bothers none of the text. Poetry. $15


16962. Savory, Teo. "Transitions". Unicorn Press, 1973. First edition. Fine and bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp highly attractive illustrated text. This issue signed on the half title page, "to Alan from Teo with much appreciation". Husband (Alan Brilliant) and wife union, lovely association copy . Poetry. $55


17063. Savory, Teo. "Transitions". Unicorn, 1973. First edition. Fine and bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. With woodcut by Vo-Dinh. A lovely copy. Poetry. $30


17283. Savory, Teo. "Transitions". Unicorn Press, 1973. First edition. SIGNED: 1000 copies have been printed of which 26 cloth are handbound by Karen Meece and lettered A-Z and signed by Teo Savory. This is letter B signed in full by Teo Savory on the colophon page. Fine and bright orange cloth with crisp text throughout. Very handsome. Poetry. $100


17208. Savory, Teo. "Traveler's Palm". Poetry Sequence. Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. One of 450 copies of the first edition were printed by Noel Young and designed by Alan Brilliant. Fine and bright stapled wraps with crisp text throughout. Quite scarce in this fine condition. Poetry. $40


17165. Savory, Teo. "Traveler's Palm". Poetry Sequence. Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. SIGNED: One of 450 copies of the first edition were printed by Noel Young and designed by Alan Brilliant. This is one of 26 A-Z signed by the poet editions, signed fully by Teo Savory on the colophon page 1967. Fine and gorgeously bound cloth edition. Very limited. The author's first book of poetry. Poetry. $105


17220. Savory, Teo. "Travelers". Poem from "Traveler's Palm". Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. "Giving a thanks for the life and work of Teo Savory at Memorial Eucharist with readings from Teo's work and stories of remembrance by her friends, Saturday, the 5th of May 5:30 in the evening, St. Mary's House, 925 Walker Avenue, Greensboro, North Carolina." Announcement fold-out with poem. In envelope as released, May 1990. Scarce. Poetry. $35


17079. Savory, Teo. "West To East". Tales of the 20s & 30s. Unicorn, 1989. First edition. Fine and very bright in fine dustjacket with crisp text throughout. Poet . $30


16993. Savory, Teo, editor. "Unicorn Journal". No. 3, 1969. Unicorn, 1969. Literary magazine. Includes work by Philip Levine, Thomas Merton translating  Rene Char and many others. Near fine stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Now out of print for 30 years, once modeled after Dorothy Norman's "Twice-A-Year" (1939-1946). Poetry / Literary Magazine. $25


16994. Savory, Teo, editor. "Unicorn Journal". No. 4. Unicorn. Literary magazine. With work by six North American poets including James Welch, Alan Brilliant, Thomas Sexton, Sonia Dorman, Arthur Oberg, Carolyn Stoloff plus six portraits by John Howard Griffin. Fine and bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Now out of print for 30 years, once modeled after Dorothy Norman's "Twice-A-Year" (1939-1946). Poetry / Literary Magazine. $25


16995. Savory, Teo, editor. "Unicorn Journal". No. 2. Unicorn. Literary magazine. With work by Thomas Merton, Joseph Brodsky, James Tate, Guillevic and others. Near fine stiff wraps with some rub to spine. Otherwise crisp text throughout. Now out of print for 30 years, once modeled after Dorothy Norman's "Twice-A-Year" (1939-1946). Poetry / Literary Magazine. $25


17275. Savory, Teo, editor. "Unicorn Journal". Spring 1968. Unicorn, 1968. Literary magazine. Including work by Thomas Merton, Yvan Goll, Harry Martinson, John Haines and others. Near fine illustrated cloth bound in like dustjacket. Trifle age toning to jacket. Poetry / Literary Magazine. $45


17276. Savory, Teo, editor. "Unicorn Journal". No. 2, Fall 1968. Unicorn, 1968. Literary magazine. Including work by Thomas Merton, Joseph Brodsky, James Tate, Guillevic. Near fine printed boards with crisp text throughout. Poetry / Literary Magazine. $35


17277. Savory, Teo, editor. "Unicorn Journal". No. 3, 1969. Unicorn, 1968. Literary magazine. Including work by Vin Hahn, Nhat Hanh, Vo Van Ai plus Thomas Merton translating Char, Philip Levine. Near fine illustrated boards with crisp text throughout. Trifle bumps to tips and some age toning to fore edge. Otherwise quite nice. Poetry / Literary Magazine. $35


17454. Schevill, James. "The James Schevill Folder". Unicorn Press, 1967. Broadside. One of 150 copies. Printed on occasion of Mr. Schevill's poetry reading at the Unicorn Bookshop. Typography by Alan Brilliant and printed by Noel Young. Unsigned. Bright red folder. Fine all around. Poetry. $55


17453. Schevill, James. "The James Schevill Folder". Unicorn Press, 1967. Broadside. SIGNED: One of 150 copies. Printed on occasion of Mr. Schevill's poetry reading at the Unicorn Bookshop. Typography by Alan Brilliant and printed by Noel Young. This is one of 26 copies A-Z signed by the poet, lettered "E" and signed in full by the poet. Fine and bright in very close to fine deckled-edge printed folder. Poetry. $100


17052. Schwartz, Howard. "Vessels". Unicorn, 1977. First edition. Fine and bright in near fine dustjacket with two slight ink spots to fore edge, nothing offensive. One of 120 copies handbound in full cloth and numbered. This is number 40. The author's first book of poems. Poetry. $40


17148. Schwartz,  Howard. "Vessels". Unicorn, 1977. First edition. SIGNED: First 120 of "Vessels" have been handbound into full cloth and numbered. The first 20 signed by the poet. This is number 13, signed by the poet fully. Fine and bright blue cloth in acetate cover. The poet's first book. Poetry. $50


17329. Secunda, Arthur. "Watts". Unicorn Press, 1969. First edition. Six reproductions from a series of paintings. The painting titles are "The Long Looters", "Heavenly Body", "The Chief", "The Looters Running", "Elegy for Watts" and "Soul City". Fine bright decorative sewn wraps in issued envelope. $55


17239. [Seferis, George] M. Savvas, translator. "Postscript". Unicorn Press, 1967. Postcard. 4-1/2 x 6-1/2. Fine bright all around. Attractive. Poetry. $25


17161. [Segalen, Victor] Tarn, Nathanial, translator. "Stelae". Unicorn Press, 1969. First edition. Translated from the French. Close to fine and bright green cloth boards with bright text throughout. With photographs. Bilingual. Limited to 200. Poetry. $80


17446. [Seiler, Barry / Lee, Jo Anne / Maytag, Ken / Blumenthal, P. J. / Baker, Mike]. "Night People". Unicorn Books (Goleta), 1969. Broadside. "Free Broadside." Printed by Noel Young. 10 x 16. Close to fine including five poems.. Poetry. $55


17471. Seitz, Ron. "So High / In the Sky". Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet Series II, No. 5. Fine and bright all around. 12 x 18. Poetry30. $65


17490. Seitz, Ron. "So High / In the Sky". Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadside. SIGNED: Unicorn Broadsheet Series II, No. 5. Fine and bright all around. 12 x 18. . Poetry30. $100


17322. Sewell, Elizabeth. "For Love". Unicorn Press, 1980. First edition. One of 120 copies handmade by Alan Brilliant. With illustrations by Beaudin. Fine and bright Unicorn Folded Broadside Series 1, No. 6. Poetry. $35


17360. Siebrasse, Glen. "from "The Walled Cities". Unicorn Press. First edition. One of only 25:  9-1/2 x 12-1/2.  Near fine and bright broadside. Poetry. $45


17461. Snyder, Gary. "A Curse on the Men in Washington, Pentagon". Unicorn Press, 1968 (1970). Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet 1. 12 x 15-3/4. First letterpress publication of the second printing. Fine and bright all around. Quite scarce and withdrawn by Gary Snyder after only a few were printed. Poetry. $300


17493. Snyder, Gary. "A Curse on the Men in Washington, Pentagon". Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadside. SIGNED: Unicorn Broadsheet 1. 12 x 15-3/4. Signed by Gary Snyder. The correct first edition with "Buddah". 12 x 15. Near fine and bright with light age toning to top left corner. Quite scarce and withdrawn by Gary Snyder after only a few were printed. Poetry. $500


17250. Snyder, Gary. "Go Round". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard, 1967. Postcard / Holograph edition. 5-1/4 x 7-1/4. Fine and bright all around. Holograph edition, quite rare. Poetry. $105


17338. [Snyder, Gary]. "Poetry Announcement for Gary Snyder". Unicorn, 1967. Poetry Reading Poster. Two color poster designed and drawn by Alan Brilliant for the Snyder poetry reading at the Unicorn Bookshop, January 8, 1967. One of 200 copies. Poetry. $80


17227. [Snyder, Gary]. "Poetry Announcement for Gary Snyder". Unicorn, 1967. First edition. 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 sheet. Unicorn Bookstore Presents Gary Snyder Poetry Reading, Sunday January 8th, 2:30 Magic Lantern Theatre, 50 cents admission. Alphabet by Wolfgang Roth. The reading had taken place just when the Unicorn Bookshop had opened at 905 Embarcadero del Norte, Isla Vista, California. Limited to 200 copies. Poetry. $80


16966. Stoloff, Carolyn. "Stepping Out". Unicorn Press, 1971. First edition. Near fine boards with pasted label, as issued with crisp text throughout. Quite attractive. . Poetry. $20


17053. Stoloff, Carolyn. "Stepping Out". Unicorn, 1971. First edition. Near fine wraps with pasted label, as issued with crisp text throughout. Quite attractive. . Poetry. $20


17144. Stoloff, Carolyn. "Stepping Out". Unicorn, 1971. First edition. SIGNED: First printing consisted of 1500 copies of which the first 30 have been numbered and signed by Carolyn Stoloff. This is number 25 signed fully by the poet on the colophon page. Fine and bright cloth boards in acetate cover. Only 30 issued. Poetry. $50


17054. Stoloff, Carolyn. "Stepping Out". Unicorn, 1971. First edition. Fine and very bright in fine dustjacket with crisp text throughout. Limited to 250 copies. Poetry. $25


17346. Stoloff, Carolyn. "Triptych". Unicorn, 1970. SIGNED:  by the poet. Folding broadside. 9 x 12. One of 50 numbered copies. Printed at Unicorn Press on Strathmore Grandee, designed by Alan Brilliant. This is number 11, signed fully by the poet. Close to fine and bright all around. Poetry. $55


17347. Stoloff, Carolyn. "Triptych". Unicorn, 1970. SIGNED:  by the poet. Folding broadside. 9 x 12. One of 50 numbered copies. Printed at Unicorn Press on Strathmore Grandee, designed by Alan Brilliant. Letter B. issue. Very close to fine. Quite handsome all around. Poetry. $55


17345. Stoloff, Carolyn. "Triptych". Unicorn, 1970. Foldied broadside, as issued.  9 x 12. One of 450 wraps. Close to fine. Interior bright. Poetry. $30


17211. [Supervielle, Jules] Savory, Teo, translator. "Selected Poems". Unicorn French Series. Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. Translated from the French. Photograph of the poet on the frontispiece. Fine bright all around stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Quite attractive. Bilingual. Poetry. $35


17456. Tarn, Nathanial. "Concert". Unicorn Press [n.d.]. 12 X 18. Fine with slight age toning along edges but still quite attractive. Poetry. $100


17474. Tarn, Nathanial. "For Buffy Sainte-Marie". Unicorn Press. Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet Series II, No. 2. Linoleum block by Abbie Reitz. Green deckled-edge. 12-1/2 x 19. Fine all around. Very handsome. Poetry. $100


17485. Tarn, Nathanial. "For Buffy Sainte-Marie". Unicorn Press. Broadside. SIGNED: Unicorn Broadsheet Series II, No. 2. Linoleum block by Abbie Reitz. Green deckled-edge. 12-1/2 x 19.  Fine all around. Very handsome. One of 30, this is number 27 signed by the poet. Quite handsome. Poetry. $130


17436. Tarn, Nathanial. "The Laurel Tree". Unicorn Press, 1967. Broadside. 10 x 14 closed. One long poem opening broadside. Close to fine and bright. Poetry. $80


24842. Tate, James. "Apology For Eating Geoffrey Movius' Hyacinths". Unicorn Press, 1972. First edition. SIGNED: One of 400 copies of which 75, and this is one, are signed and numbered by the poet. Fine and bright wraps all around. Poetry. $180


17231. Tate, James . "Apology For Eating Geoffrey Movius' Hyacinths". Unicorn Press, 1972. First edition. One of 300 copies. Fine and extremely bright and attractive sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. Quite attractive and quite scarce. Poetry. $105


17233. Tate, James . "Apology For Eating Geoffrey Movius' Hyacinths". Unicorn Press, 1972. First edition. SIGNED: One of 400 copies of this publication have been printed of which the first 75 and this is one have been signed and numbered by the poet. One of 75 issued. Poetry. $300


17472. Tate, James. "Nobody Goes To Visit The Insane Anymore". Unicorn Press, 1971. Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet II, No. 4. 12 x 18. One of 300. Fine and bright all around. Poetry. $155


17491. Tate, James. "Nobody Goes To Visit The Insane Anymore". Unicorn Press, 1971. Broadside. SIGNED: Unicorn Broadsheet II, No. 4. 12 x 18. One of 300. Fine and bright all around. Signed by the poet. Poetry. $305


17373. Tate, James. "The Immortals". Unicorn Press, 1970. First edition. One of 50,  slipcased postcard. Signed. Fine and bright all around. Poetry. $105


17463. Tate, James. "The Torches". Unicorn Press, 1968. Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet No. 3 printed by Van Den Berg. 10 x 16. Fine and bright all around. Highly attractive. Poetry. $130


17495. Tate, James. "The Torches". Unicorn Press, 1968. Broadside. SIGNED: Unicorn Broadsheet No. 3 printed by Van Den Berg. 10 x 16. Fine and bright illustrated. Handsome all around. An early Tate publication, uncommon. On Tuscany watermark paper. . Poetry. $305


17173. Tate, James. "The Torches". Unicorn, 1968. First edition. This is one of the original wraps. Near fine wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. Untrimmed pages. Printed by Noel Young and designed by Alan Brilliant. Poetry. $80


17174. Tate, James. "The Torches". Unicorn, 1968. First edition. SIGNED: 1300 copies published, 1030 were glued into wraps and 250 were bound in boards. 30 were numbered and signed by the poet. This is one of the only 30 numbered and signed by the poet, casebound in handmade batik. No spine label. Highly attractive and rarely seen. Poetry. $505


17172. Tate, James. "The Torches". Unicorn, 1971. Second Revised edition. This is the first printing of the revised enlarged edition 1971. Fine and very bright clothbound boards  with crisp bright attractive text throughout. One of 250 unsigned issued, highly attractive. Poetry. $155


23199. Tate, James. "The Torches". Unicorn Press, 1968. First edition. This is the first printing , fine and very bright clothbound boards  with crisp bright attractive text throughout. One of 250 unsigned issued, highly attractive. Poetry. $205


17290. Tate, James. "The Torches". Unicorn Press, 1968. First edition. Fine bright white cloth boards with crisp text throughout, highly attractive. Poetry. $205


17209. Tate, James. "The Torches". Unicorn, 1971. Second Revised edition. SIGNED: Six new poems were added to the original. 250 copies were clothbound and 30 quarterbound copies were signed by the poet. This is one of the 30 quarterbound copies, number 13 signed by the poet with untrimmed bright crisp text. The book itself is fine and bright cloth boards all around. Very attractive and rarely seen. Poetry. $505


17320. Taylor, Henry. "Desperado". Unicorn, 1979. First edition. One of 200 copies, handmade by Alan Brilliant. This is number 55. Fine bright wraps interior in near fine cover. Unicorn Folded Broadside Series, Series 1, No. 8. Poetry. $35


17465. Tipton, James. "Conversations". Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadside. Unicorn Broadsheet Series 1, No. 10. Calligraphy by Margaret Shepherd. 11-1/2 x 18. Fine and bright all around. Poetry. $55


17501. Tipton, James. "Conversations". Unicorn Press, 1970. Broadside. SIGNED; Unicorn Broadsheet Series 1, No. 10. Calligraphy by Margaret Shepherd. 11-1/2 x 18. Fine and bright but for light shading along top edge. Signed. Poetry. $100


17339. Tremaine, Katherine. "Haiku". Unicorn Press ,1976. First edition. One of 25 copies printed by Alan Brilliant, 25 December 1976. Scarce all around. Fine bright sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. Very handsome. Poetry. $55


17221. Tremaine, Katherine. "Small Poem About A Small Happening". Unicorn Press Postcard Haiku, 1983. Postcard. 4-3/4 x 6-3/4. Photographic postcard poem. Poetry. $25


17321. Tremaine, Kit. "Haiku". Unicorn Press, 1979. First edition. One of 200 copies handmade by Alan Brilliant with a painting by Vinh An illustrates the poems. Series 1, No. 7 of the Unicorn Folded Broadside Series. Fine and bright in slightly age toned wrapping. Poetry. $35


17299. Turner, Fred. "Deep-Sea Fish". Unicorn Press, 1968. First edition. SIGNED: Santa Barbara Poetry Series. One of 500 copies of each volume in the Santa Barbara Poetry Series were published, of which 30 are sewn bound, signed and numbered by the poet. This is number 17. The very first print works from Jack Shoemaker, a youngster at the time and manager of Unicorn Bookshop, who later went on to found both North Point and Counterpoint Presses. Poetry. $100


17234. [Unicorn]. "Peace Note Card". Unicorn Press, 1968. Blank inside, blue peace symbol on cover. 4-3/4 x 5-3/4. Note card in issued envelope. $20


17401. [Unicorn]. "Unicorn Postcard Series I / Unicorn Postcard Series II / Unicorn Postcard Series III". Unicorn Press, 1972, 1973. Postcard Series. Series I : A banded set of eight poetry postcards including one first edition, Tim Reynolds' translation of Octavio Paz Scribble (bilingual). The other poets include James Tate, Gary Snyder, Nhat Hanh. Vo-Dinh, Papuan drawing, John Haines, Octavio Paz, Anselm Hollo, Louis Zukofsky. Fine and bright all around. Never opened. As issued from publisher / Series II : A banded set of eight poetry postcards including one first edition W. S. Merwin's "Ash". Also included Diane Wakoski, Kenneth Rexroth's peace postcard, Apollinaire, Langston Hughes, Arthur Secunda, Robert Bly. Fine all around. Never opened as issued from the publisher / Series III : A banded set of eight poetry postcards including one first edition Jerome Rothenberg's "Oto" Indian Poem. No priority. Illustrated with an original linoleum block by Patricia Field. Other poets include W. S. Merwin, Diane di Prima, Papuan love song, Ron Seitz, Vo-Dinh Peace Semaphore, Gunter Eich, Jerome Rothenberg. Fine  and bright all around. As issued from the publisher, unopened. Uncommon as a full set. All Three sets : . Poetry. $205


21691. [Unicorn]. "Unicorn Press Catalog". Unicorn. Including descriptive work by Jacques Prevert and others. Poetry. $17.95


17228. [Unicorn Newsletter]. "Unicorn Newsletter". No. 1, Spring 1972. Unicorn, 1972. "Statement of Patrick W. Jordan to the Court of Judge Irving Hill". Fine and bright 7 x 8-1/2. $20


17310. [Unicorn Press]. "Unicorn Press Price Sheet". Unicorn Press . Printed on four sides, featuring the work of Jacques Prevert "Words For All Seasons" with photograph and Gunter Bruno Fuchs. Close to fine and bright. Poetry. $20


16824. [Unicorn Press] Guillevic (translated by Teo Savory). "Promotional Catalog for Euclidians". Unicorn Press. Catalog. Close to fine catalog including two poems by the poet with description, book order blank when Unicorn Press was situated in Greensboro NC and biography of both translator and poet, with a full page photograph of the Guillevic. Stapled wraps. Plus two poems Cylinder and Rectangle by Guillevic. Stapled wrapas. Poetry. $20


17368. Vo Van Ai, designed by. "The Dove Of Peace And The Wheel of Life". Unicorn Press [n.d.]. First edition. 4-1/4 x 6. postcard. Slight age toning and rub. Poetry. $30


17225. [Vo Van Ai] Savory, Teo, translator. "Answer of Fire". Unicorn Press, 1968. Broadside card. Translations from the French. Printed by Young-Brilliant. Very fine printed folded broadside, printed by Young-Brilliant with issued envelope. Poetry. $50


15182. Vo-Dinh. "Brothers". Unicorn, 1968. Postcard. Postcard 4-1/4" by 6-1/2". Close to fine. Art. $20


17429. Vozenesky, Andrei. "Poem Read At The 200th Presentation of Anti-Worlds". Unicorn Press, 1968. Broadside. Fine and bright. Poetry. $30


17428. Waddington, Miriam. "About How Hard It Is To Find New Words In An Outworn World When You Are Not A Magician". Unicorn Press, 1968. Broadside. Fine and bright all around. Poetry. $25


17448. Waddington, Miriam. "Little Allegories of Canada". Unicorn Press. Broadside. 12-1/2 x 16. Close to fine and bright illustrated broadside. Poetry. $45


17238. Wakoski, Diane. "This Water Baby". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard Series, 1971. Postcard. 6-1/2 x 5. Fine bright all around. Attractive. Poetry. $55


17257. Wakoski, Diane. "This Water Baby". Unicorn Press Poetry Postcard Series, 1971. Postcard. 6-1/2 x 5. Fine bright all around. Attractive. This is a signed edition of 50 copies. In acetate cover.. Poetry. $80


17326. Watson, Robert. "Island of Bones". Unicorn Press, 1977. First edition. One of 250 numbered copies in wraps. This is number 132. Near fine sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. Quite handsome. Poetry. $35


17279. Watson, Robert. "Island of Bones". Unicorn Press, 1977. First edition. Of 250 numbered copies, printed by the Grace Hoper Press, this is one of 50 numbered clothbound copies. Numbered 40. Fine bright boards with crisp text throughout. Quite handsome all around. Limited. Poetry. $55


16988. Watson, Robert. "Please Write : Don't Phone". Unicorn Press Postcard Series, 1980. 5 x 6-1/2 card. Fine. Poetry. $17


17056. Weinfield, Henry. "Carnival Cantata". Unicorn, 1971. First edition. One of 150 handbound in cloth. Fine. Poetry. $35


17055. Weinfield, Henry. "Carnival Cantata". Unicorn, 1971. First edition. SIGNED:  by the poet. One of 150 handbound in cloth, 30 copies printed on Fabriano and signed by Henry Weinfield. This is number 5. Untrimmed papers. Fine and bright clothbound, quite attractive. The poet's first book. Poetry. $55


17081. White, Steven F.. "Burning the Old Year". Unicorn Press, 1984. First edition. Fine and bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. . Poetry. $20


17084. White, Steven F.. "Burning the Old Year". Unicorn, 1984. First edition. Very fine and bright cloth edition with trifle fade to cover title. Otherwise crisp bright text throughout. Highly attractive. Poetry. $35


17131. White, Steven F.. "Burning the Old Year". Unicorn, 1984. First edition. Very fine and bright decorative yellow cloth with crisp text throughout. Quite attractive. . Poetry. $35


17082. White, Steven F.. "For The Unborn". Unicorn, 1986. First edition. Fine and bright illustrated stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. . Poetry. $25


17083. White, Steven F.. "From The Country of Thunder". Unicorn, 1990. First edition. Fine and bright illustrated stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp text throughout. . Poetry. $25


17143. White, Steven F., collected by and translated by. "Poets of Nicarauga". A  Bilingual Anthology 1918-1979. Unicorn, 1982. First edition. Introduction by  Grace Schulman. Scarce in the first edition. Fine and bright stiff wraps with strong excellent spine and crisp text throughout. The slightest age toning to cover, nothing offensive. Poetry. $40


17450. Wieners, John. "Idyll". Unicorn. Broadside. Illustrated and bright all around deckled-edge. 11 x 14. Poetry. $105


17324. Wieners, John. "Invitation". Unicorn Press. First edition. One of 300 wraps, unsigned, issued. Near fine and bright foldout poem. Poetry. $65


17323. Wieners, John. "Invitation". Unicorn Press. First edition. SIGNED: Handset and printed at Unicorn Press. Designed by Alan Brilliant. The poet numbered and signed the first 200 hardbound copies. This is one of the signed, number 83. Fine and bright with label cover. Quite handsome. . Poetry. $255


17366. Yashinsky, Daniel. "Peach Blossoms". Unicorn Press, 1967. First edition. Poetry postcard. First published work by a talented Santa Barbara poet who typeset and printed his own poem under press supervision. One of 100 copies. 4-1/4 x 5-1/2. Poetry. $30








Please note: all titles subject to availability and price change. We often carry multiple copies but in different conditions and price ---

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