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Longhouse's BIBLIOGRAPHY 1971-2006 ! complete with editor Bob Arnold's annotations and a galaxy of press title images. Please visit! A 'continuing chalkboard' : Bibliography Part One 1971 - 1989 and Bibliography Part Two 1990 - 2006
Longhouse, Publishers & Booksellers, was established in 1971 by the poet and editor, Bob Arnold. Joined by Susan in 1974, we have published hundreds of folders, chapbooks, broadsides, anthologies and small edition books by mimeograph, letterpress, photocopy and off-set. Poets represented include Bob Arnold, Jeffery Beam, Franco Beltrametti, Bobby Byrd, Hayden Carruth, Thomas A. Clark, Cid Corman, Robert Creeley, Bill Deemer, Tsering Wangmo Dhompa, Theodore Enslin, George Evans, Alec Finlay, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Marie Harris, David Hiniton, Jonathan Greene, Kent Johnson, Greg Joly, Cralan Kelder, James Koller, Louise Landes Levi, Alan Chong Lau, Tim McNulty, John Martone, Billy Mills, Barbara Moraff, Lorine Niedecker, Hoa Nguyen, Mike O'Connor, Edward Sanders, Andrew Schelling, the translator J. P. Seaton, David Shapiro, Dale Smith, Patricia Smith, Lars Amund Vaage, Janine Pommy Vega, Anne Waldman, Catherine Walsh, Daisy Zamora and others.
Some earlier publications from our press include: Woodburners Celebrates Lorine Niedecker's Centenary, Maurice Blanchot The Instant of My Death, Frank Samperi The New Heaven Now, edited by Bob Arnold A Green Mountain Idyll for Hayden Carruth, John Phillips' Path, Cid Corman's Being Saigyo, Alan Chong Lau's Booklet, Joanne Kyger's Booklet, Thomas A. Clark's Yellow, Greg Joly's Broken Glass Road, John Martone's tree house, Louise Landes Levi's translations of Henri Michaux, Jonathan Greene's "The Death of A Kentucky Coffee-Tree & Other Poems", Bob Arnold's Devotion,
Longhouse celebrates Cid Corman: The Next One Thousand Years,
Cralan Kelder's night falls and is slow to get up, Jeffery Beam's Gospel Earth, Carol Berge's Unfinished Poem, Catherine Walsh's "from Optic Verve", Thomas A. Clark's String, Billy Mills' Seven Paper Places, James Koller ~ Some To Keep, Some To Pass Along, Scott Watson's translation ~ Santoka ~ translated by Scott Watson, Kim Dorman's "Ah, Bonnie & Clyde
Archives of Longhouse may be found at the Special Collections of Middlebury College; SUNY at Buffalo; New York Public Library; Iowa State University; Brown University, University of Wisconsin at Madison; and Vassar College.
Since the 1980's we have specialized in the sale of new, used, out-of-print and rare modern poetry titles, literary first editions and signed editions, small press ("little") magazines, books on the counter-culture, the Beats and the arts. We regularly issue mail-order and on-line catalogs in these fields. Our offerings have the reader-in-us in mind.
Poets and writers we feature as booksellers include Bob Arnold, Franco Beltrametti, Bobby Byrd, Hayden Carruth, Thomas A. Clark, Cid Corman, Robert Creeley, Bill Deemer, Theodore Enslin, George Evans, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Lyle Glazier, Jonathan Greene, David Hinton, James Koller, Louise Landes Levi, John Martone, Thomas Merton, Barbara Moraff, Lorine Niedecker, Mike O'Connor, Frank Samperi, Edward Sanders, the translator J. P. Seaton, Andrew Schelling, and Janine Pommy Vega.
In addition, we have signed and inscribed editions by some of these writers as well as many others.
Presses we offer are Origin Press edited by Cid Corman; Coyote's Journal and Coyote Books edited by James Koller; Gnomon Books edited by Jonathan Greene; Morning Star Press edited by Alec Finlay (Scotland); Wild Hawthorn edited by Ian Hamilton Finlay (Scotland); Unicorn Press edited by Alan Brilliant; Shivastan from Woodstock, New York; Surregional Press edited by Dennis Formento; and Longhouse edited by Bob Arnold.
Please contact Longhouse for any specific requests. We are always happy to exchange ideas! As always, our bookstore is interested in purchasing books either individually or by the lot in the fields of poetry and literature.
Origin, Sixth Series, Issue 2 ~ Now Online
! Origin, Sixth Series, Issue One Spring 2007 ! ! In PDF Format ~ Please visit this page for information & download :
Origin, Sixth Series, Issue 1~ Now Online
Integrating our bookselling and publishing business with a working and family life, Bob Arnold makes a living as a stonemason as shown in his authored book On Stone published by Origin Press.
We also provide building and landscaping/caretaking services including dog & cat boarding!