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13596. Arnold, Bob; Giannini, David; and Levy, John. "3". Longhouse, 1978. First edition. SIGNED: One of 500 copies, letterpress. Fine bright wraps with crisp text throughout. Signed by Bob Arnold under his title heading. Three amigos get together to make a book ..... Poetry / Anthology. $15.00
23652. Arnold, Bob. ""a cup of water." For Ian Hamilton Finlay's 80th birthday". Longhouse, 2005. First edition. New. Two-color card. Limited. New. Signed by the poet. Poetry. $10.00
24420. Arnold, Bob. "A Gary Snyder Visit". Longhouse, 2006. First edition. Three color fold out booklet. Prose. With drawing by the author. Signed by the author. One of 25 copies. Poet . $15.95
8762. Arnold, Bob. ""A Line of Talk"". Longhouse, Spring 1986. First edition. 8-1/2 x 11 sheets hand numbered. Prose. An interview by the poet James Koller with Bob Arnold. Printed in an edition of 125 copies for friends of Longhouse. It will later be included in a collection of essays James Koller is currently editing. With a photograph of Bob Arnold and James Koller on the cover of the loose sheets which are tucked into a decorative letterpress wrap. Signed. Poet / Prose. $30.00
8711. Bob Arnold, editor. "A Longhouse Reader / Autumn 1990". Longhouse, 1990. Literary magazine. 175 copies. Printed by Bob and Susan Arnold. "Thank you to Jane in Colorado, Jim in New Rochelle, David in northern Vermont, and Charlie in the Berkshires; Bobby of El Paso and Mike who sent a sheaf of Chinese translations from Taiwan, Franco ever Switzerland, Jeffrey in Boston, Janine between Peru and Czechosolovakia, Thomas via Eck Finlay and all of Scotland, & Bill standing in Oregon rain." 13 loose 8-1.2 x 11 sheets in letterpress decorative envelope. Contributors include anonymous from China, Franco Beltrametti, Jane Brakhage, David Budbill, Bobby Byrd, Thomas A. Clarke, Bill Deemer, Charles H. Miller, Jules Supervielle, Janine Pommy Vega and James Weil. Scarce. Printed on the outside flap of envelope, a poem by Bill Deemer. Poetry / Literary magazine. $15.00
8712. Bob Arnold, editor. "A Longhouse Reader / Spring 1993". Longhouse, 1993. Literary magazine. 16 pages, 8-1/2 x 11 stapled in one corner. Edited and printed by Bob and Susan Arnold. 200 numbers for the Spring Solstice, 1993. In letterpress decorative envelope with Cid Corman poem on the outside flap. Poets include Alain Bousquet, Cid Corman, Doc Dachtler, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Jonathan Greene, Peter Gurnis, Marie Harris, Gary Hotham, Greg Joly, Paul Kahn, James Koller, John Levy, John Martone, Ken McCullough, Gary Metras, John Perlman, Scott Preston, Edouard Roditi, Janine Pommy Vega, Phyllis Walsh, Scott Watson. Scarce. Poetry / Literary magazine. $20.00
21457. Arnold, Bob. "Acres". Twelve Bells Press, 2004. First edition. SIGNED: Gloucestershire, England. Fine and bright sewn wraps in paper dustjacket with crisp text throughout. Signed by the poet on the colophon page. Limited edition. Poetry. $25.00
22900. Arnold, Bob. "All Wind and Sunshine". Longhouse, 2005. First edition. Fold out booklet. New, bright, limited & signed. Poetry. $15.95
14435. Arnold, Bob. "Along the Way". Blackberry, 1979. First edition. SIGNED: Very close to fine illustrated stapled wraps signed with affection by the poet on the back cover. Poetry. $20
862. Arnold, Bob. "American Train Letters". Coyote, 1996. First edition. Prose. By train traveling a network around the perimeter of the United States. New in wraps. Trains / Travel / Poet. $12
14793. Arnold, Bob. "Any Blossom". Mountains and Rivers Press, 2001. First edition. As new stapled wraps with crisp text throughout. Highly attractive. Signed. Poetry. $15.00
15679. Arnold, Bob. "As You Know". For WCW. Tangram (Berkeley, CA), 2001. Limited edition. 7 x 5 poem card on decorative stock. Limited. With envelope. New and bright. Poetry. $15.00
27198. Arnold, Bob. "Back Road Caller". Juniper, 1985. First edition. Bound wraps printed by John Judson. "Who but Bob Arnold could see so gently?..." Hayden Carruth. Signed. Poetry. $20
863. Arnold, Bob. "Beautiful Swimmers". A tale.. Longhouse/Origin, 1998. First edition. Signed. New in stiff wraps. Further travels with the author and his family teaching a young son how to swim (and other things), motel pool to motel pool , with the assistance of one Burt Lancaster from the film "The Swimmer". The young boy and actor getting along well.. Poet / Travel. $15.95
21808. Arnold, Bob. "Builder". Longhouse, 2005. First edition. Fold out accordion booklet. New, bright, limited & signed. Poetry. $15.95
14958. Arnold, Bob. "By Heart". Pages from a Lost Vermont. Origin Press,1991. First edition. "This book comes from twenty years of living in the same place...My subjects have been what are close to me and some of the people I have interacted with, though most might not consider me a friend, but perhaps a neighbor..." New in wraps. Poet / Prose. $10.00
228. Arnold, Bob. "Cache". Mad River, 1987. First edition. Wraps, 1/250, letterpress, signed. As new:. Poetry. $35.00
22901. Arnold, Bob. "Cairn". tel-let, 2004. First edition. SIGNED: Very fine and bright stapled wraps with crisp text throughout, limited and signed by the poet. Poetry. $25.00
24806. Arnold, Bob. "Called Back". Longhouse, 2006. First edition. Fine and bright foldout booklet with photograph. One of 25 copies new, limited and signed by the Bob Arnold. Poet / Prose. $15.95
21009. Arnold, Bob. ""Cid"". Longhouse, 2004. Postcard. 4 x 6. One of 50 copies. Poetry. $5.00
18887. Arnold, Bob. "Darling Companion". Longhouse, 2004. First edition. SIGNED. 1 of 100 copies. New in wraps. Signed by the poet -- "a traveler's tale from the east to the west & concerning a stop-over in Wisconsin to visit with old & new friends alongside the work & life of Lorine Niedecker before shoving further west into greater unknowns" Limited edition. Poetry. $25
24182. Arnold, Bob. "Devotion". Longhouse, 2006. First edition. Limited edition. New. Two-color. Fold-out accordion booklet. Poetry. $7.95
24284. Arnold, Bob. "Devotion". Longhouse, 2006. First edition. SIGNED. Three color fold out booklet wrapped in Tibetan handmade papers with wraps around band. An edition of 1 of 50 of which only a few are signed. New. Poetry. $15.95 (signed)
14471. Arnold, Bob. "Dream Come True". tel-let, 2001. First edition. SIGNED: One of 100 copies. Very fine and bright stapled wraps, signed by the poet on the full title page. Poetry. $17.50
23857. Arnold, Bob. "Dwelling". from a Builder's Notebook 6. Twelve Bells Press (U.K.), 2005. First edition. Dwelling is an occasional series devoted to an exploration of the notion of dwelling and the work of contemporary artists, writers and researchers in a variety of disciplines. Series editor - Christopher Morton. Very fine illustrated stapled wraps. This selection is taken from "On Stone, a builder's notebook" published in 1988 by Origin Press, Boston. Signed. Poet / Stone Building. $25.00
1249. Arnold, Bob. "Engine Trouble". Woven, 1998. First edition. SIGNED. New in wraps; limited edition. Signed. Poetry. $30.00
22305. Arnold, Bob and Janine Pommy Vega. "Face of A Dictator / American Flags". Longhouse, 1991. First edition. SIGNED: One of 75 copies, mailed in black to friends Longhouse celebrating one more false victory of peace, later winter 1991. Fine three sheeted wraps in black. Signed by both poets. Poetry. $30.00
17578. Arnold, Bob. ""For Ian Hamilton Finlay"". Longhouse, 2003. First edition. Poems on a tiny folded booklet series. Fine and bright. Limited. Poetry. $5.00
23240. Arnold, Bob. "Further Notice". Love Thy Poet 33, Longhouse, 2005. First edition. New and limited. Postcard poem. Poetry. $5.00
27196. Arnold, Bob. "Gaze". Pentagram, 1985. First edition. One of 263. Handsewn paper wraps. Designed and printed on Arches Text, sewn into Fabriano Ingres covers by Michael Tarachow, October 1985 with five woodcuts by Gary Young both the illustrator and poet have signed this edition. Cover wraps handpainted by Ardra & Mary Montag. Signed. Poetry. $35.00
23238. Arnold, Bob. "Go". Longhouse, 2005. First edition. Four poem broadside. New and limited. Signed by the poet. Poetry. $10.00
27197. Arnold, Bob. "Go West". Coyote, 1987. First edition. Not to be confused with the much more limited Longhouse edition. This edition published by James Koller, bound wraps. 160 pages. Signed. Poetry. $20.00
27199. Arnold, Bob. "Habitat". Pentagram, 1979. First edition. One of 200 copies. Handprinted and sewn by Michael Tarachow. The first book of the poet's printed by Michael Tarachow to mark the fifth anniversary of Pentagram Press. Handmade Japanese Tairei wraps-up this book. Signed. Poetry. $35.00
27200. Arnold, Bob. "Happy As You Are". Bull Thistle, 1993. First edition. 300 & some odd copies printed and built by Greg Joly during the first winter snows. Handsewn, french wraps and signed. Poetry. $25
26180. Arnold, Bob. "Hermit Hut". Longhouse, 2006. First edition. SIGNED: three-color fold-out booklet of poems with wrap around band. Limited edition. Poetry. $15
10745. Arnold, Bob. "Honeymoon". Granite Press (Litija, Slovenia), 2000. First edition. SIGNED: 1/150 only wraps. New sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. Very attractive. Poetry. $20.00
21685. Arnold, Bob. "Hooky". Longhouse, Spring 1997. First edition. Folded booklet of six poems. Fine and bright all around. Poetry. $7.50
24288. Arnold, Bob. "Invent a World". Mountains and Rivers, 2005. First edition. SIGNED. One of 150 copies. Very fine and very bright sewn wraps with crisp text throughout. New. Signed by the poet. Poetry. $20.00
16558. Arnold, Bob. "Is It". Longhouse. Bookmark. Very fine issued from Longhouse. One poem, decorative bookmark. Poetry. $10.00
1611. Arnold, Bob, ed.. "Just So Happens". 1994-1995, An Anthology. Longhouse, 1995. First edition. 52 separate "booklets" of poets from around the world - ancients to the moderns - including translations. In most cases limited to 50 issued copies of each booklet. In the regular print run, the booklets were given away free until out of print. The editor and publisher have saved into a boxed anthology all 52 issues providing 26 exclusive sets marked A-Z. A complete list of the poets involved: Charlie Mehrhoff; Jonathan Greene; Cid Corman; Will Petersen; Zorika Petic; Bobby Byrd; Andrew Schelling; Scott Watson; Bill Deemer; John Perlman; James L. Weil; John Martone; Theodore Enslin; Phyllis Walsh; Karl Young; Peter Gurnis; Sam Green; Paul Celan translated by Cid Corman; Jean Monod translated by Cid Corman; Bill Brown; James Koller; Bob Arnold; Hosai translated by Cid Corman; Gary Hotham; Barbara Moraff; Doc Dachtler; Steve Sanfield; Alan Lau; John Levy; Alain Malherbe translated by Cid Corman; Gael Turnbull; Robert Creeley; Inge Muller translated by Cid Corman; Craig Czury; Stefan Hyner; Issa translated by Cid Corman; Bob Heman; Ryokan translated by Cid Corman; R. Kimm; Rene Char translated by Cid Corman; Mark Nowak; Laurent Grisel translated by Cid Corman; Antler; David Flynn; Rocco Scotellaro translated by Cid Corman; Franco Beltrametti; Remembering Franco by Cid Corman; Sengai translated by Cid Corman; Ian Hamilton Finlay; Classic Korean Courtesans translated by Cid Corman; and Lorine Niedecker. Very limited one of 26 copies and new in box. Poetry / Anthology. $250.00
864. Arnold, Bob. "Long Time Together". Stingy Artist (U.K.) , 1987. First edition. Letterpress, in wraps, 1/163, signed. Quite fine and crisp all around. Poetry. $35
14442. Arnold, Bob, editor. "Longhouse / Autumn 1981". Longhouse, Autumn 1981. Literary magazine. Contributors include Janine Pommy Vega, Tim McNulty, Gary Hotham, George Evans, John Brandi, David Huddle, Michael Tarachow, John Levy, Barbara Moraff, Marie Harris, Mei Mei Berssenbrugge, Steve Sanfield, Joseph Bruchac, Tom Montag and others. Offset. Illustrated. Close to fine and bright in very good wraps, wrinkled. Poetry / Literary magazine. $15.00
23946. Arnold, Bob (editor). "Longhouse Complete Archive 2004-2005". Longhouse, 2005. First edition. A cache of very limited editions, all new and bright all around, and often issued in only 50 copies. Many signed. This archive is one of only ten issued from the press:Arnold, Bob. "a cup of water", for Ian Hamilton Finlay's 80th birthday. Two-color card. Signed by the poetArnold, Bob. All Wind and Sunshine. Fold out booklet & signed by the poetArnold, Bob. Builder. Fold out accordion booklet & signed by the poetArnold, Bob. "By Foot". Two-color card, signed by the poetArnold, Bob. "Cid". 4 x 6. One of 50 copies, signed by the poetArnold, Bob. Further Notice. Two-color card, signed by the poetArnold, Bob. Go. Four poem broadside & signed by the poetArnold, Bob. Milking / Universe. Signed: Two books in one. Milking and Universe is limited to 100 numbers sewn and banded by Bob & Susan Arnold by the woodfire, dedicated to all those who work farm hour passages & Thomas A. Clark. Very fine sewn wraps with wrap around band, signed by the poetArnold, Bob. The Face of a Dictator. Two-color card, signed by the poetArnold, Bob. "Time To Clean The Woodshed Together." & "Answer". Two poem, two-color Autumnal celebration postcard. Signed by the poet.Arnold, Bob. Woodburners We Recommend Autumn Equinox 2004. signed: Short essays on the work of Hayden Carruth, Jonathan Greene, James Koller, John Martone, Gary Snyder, Howlin Wolf, Richard Meltzer, George Stanley, Marcia Roberts and politics in the year 2004. One of 25 copies. Limited edition. Two-color six page folded sheets in wraps, signed by the poetArnold, Bob. Woodcutter's Autumn. First book in a trilogy. Foldout booklet and signed by the poetArnold, Bob. You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To. Second book in a trilogy which includes "Woodcutter's Autumn" with a forthcoming title due in the winter of 2005. Foldout booklet and signedArnold, Carson / Cerbeus Shoal. Running With Cerbeus Shoal. Listen! #4. Postcard interview.Arnold, Carson / Christoph Meyer. The Tale of Christoph Meyer. Listen! #3. Postcard interview.Arnold, Carson / David Axelrod. My Conversation with David Axelrod. Listen! #1. Postcard interview.Arnold, Carson / Margie Wienk. Margie Wienk Speaks. Listen! #2. Postcard interview.Arnold, Susan. "Bob Arnold's Cairn Summit". 8 photographs as postcard, displaying the stonemason's recent stone constructions. Signed by the photographerArnold, Susan. Vermont Street Singers for New Orleans Musicians. Arnold, Susan photographer. 9 photograph color card of poets & musicians: Becky, Carson and Bob Arnold; Greg Joly; Terry Hauptman; Bert and James Koller; Jacqueline and Dudley Laufman in action. Signed by the photographer Beltrametti, Franco. I Tend To Simplify Everything. With an afterword by James Koller. Folded accordion booklet with attractive wrap around band. Clark, Thomas A.. Yellow. signed: One of only 24 signed copies by the poet who ranges and hikes the hills and water edges of Scotland, notebook in pocket. Fold out booklet of a sequence of poems. Highly attractiveCorman, Cid, translator. "from ZENO BIANU'S:TAKES ON THE CHINESE ( I CHING) BOOK OF CHANGES". Foldout booklet of poemsCorman, Cid, translator. "Grass For A Pillow". Eight separate booklets of poetry translations by: Celan, Char, classic Korean courtesans, Corman, Montale, Ryokan, Scotellaro, Sengai Dorman, Kim. Selections from Kerla / Haiku. Fine bright folded booklet of six poemsGreene, Jonathan. Pond. Postcard two-colorGross, David. Two Poems : At The Feed Store / Mankind. Double-side printed card. Hauptman, Terry. Painted Turtle. Postcard two-colorHorowitz, Mikhail. "For New Orleans, 9/7/05". Postcard two-colorJoly, Greg. Broken Glass Road. Limited edition. Two-color. Fold-out accordion booklet. Signed by the poetKelder, Cralan. Night Falls and Is Slow To Get Up. Fold-out accordion booklet. Kiers, Toby. "I Made It Back Safe from Vermont ...". Postcard two-colorMartone, John. tree house. Two-color. Fold-out accordion bookletMichaux, Henri [translated by Louise Landes Levi]. "Like I See You". Postcard poemMontale, Eugenio [Corman, Cid, translator]. [Untitled] "Bring me the sunflower to transplant". Translated by Cid Corman. Love Thy Poet 31. Postcard two-color Schelling, Andrew. Poems from the Satasai of King Hala Maharashtra State, ca. 200 C. E.. Translated by Andrew Schelling. Folded accordion booklet with attractive wrap around band. Seaton, J. P., translator. Thirty Years to Instant Enlightenment. signed: Fold-out accordion with wrap around band. New and limited. A third booklet from J. P. Seaton and his world of Asian wonders, lonesome travelers and sometimes sidekicks. With illustrations by Jerome Seaton and designed herein by two-hands. Signed by both the translator and artistWang Fan-Chih [Seaton, J. P., translator ]. A Little Nasty Zen Poetry. Folded accordion booklet with attractive wrap around band. Signed by the translatorWeil, James L.. Three Poems : Mother / Virginia Creeper / Mother, Gone. Very fine and bright one fold booklet. Poetry. $375.00
14443. Arnold, Bob, editor. "Longhouse / Spring 1983". Longhouse, Spring 1983. Literary magazine. Contributors include Olga Cabral, Gerald Locklin, Ron Koertge, Douglas Blazek, Joe Napora, Robert Morgan, Hayden Carruth, John Perlman, Michael Hettich, Janine Pommy Vega, Gerald Hausman and others. Near fine illustrated offset wraps in very good cover. Poetry / Literary magazine. $15.00
8709. Bob Arnold, editor. "Longhouse / Spring 1988". Longhouse, 1988. Literary magazine. 200 copies. "Longhouse has been supported since 1973 by its readers, word of the mouth and through the kindness of strangers." 32 loose folded sheets in decorative aqua blue cover, legal size. Photocopy. Heavily illustrated with collage and poetry. Poets include Paul Metcalf, Bob Arnold, M. J. Bender, Ed Orr, Hayden Carruth, Ralph J. Mills, Jr., Theodore Enslin, Wally Swist, David Giannini, Michael Hettich, Craig Czury, Janine Pommy Vega, David Budbill, Clem Starck, Stephen Lewandowski, Barry Sternlieb, David Raffeld, Billy Mills, Stefan Hyner, Bobby Byrd, James Koller, Jane Brakhage, Peter Dent, Frank Samperi, Cid Corman, Phyllis Walsh, Michael Gizzi, Lind Kampley, Michael L. Johnson, Colin Harrington, Ron Wray. Scarce. Poetry / Literary magazine. $15.00
8705. Bob Arnold, editor. "Longhouse / Winter 1989-90". Longhouse, 1990. Literary magazine. 250 copies printed by Bob and Susan Arnold at Longhouse, Vermont. Photocopied. With this issue, Longhouse began its third decade of publishing. The issue is 34 illustrated sheets of collage and poetry. Contributors include Barbara Moraff, George Evans, Clive Faust, Gary Hotham, William Virgil Davis, Cid Corman, John Perlman, Phyllis Walsh, Bill Bathurst, Janine Pommy Vega, Stuart Friebert, Doc Dachtler, Edouard Roditi, Marcel Cohen, Gary Lawless, Franco Beltrametti, James Koller, Bill Deemer, Drummond Hadley, Keith Wilson, Theodore Enslin, Bobby Byrd, Bob Arnold, Gary Metras, Morin Sorescu, Adriana Varga, M. J. Bender, Tad Richards, Barry Sternlieb, David Giannini, Linda Serrato. Near fine. Poetry / Literary magazine. $15.00
25795. Arnold, Bob, editor. "Love Thy Poet Turns 50!". A Dozen Postcards Anthology. Longhouse, 2006. Postcards. Hoa Nguyen "Of Mercury", Love Thy Poet 45; Bobby Byrd "A Campbell's Tomato Soup Autobiography" Love Thy Poet 46; Cralan Kelder "What Sound Wind Makes" Love Thy Poet 47; "Spell Exercise" Franco Beltrametti Love Thy Poet 48; "A River I Couldn't Find" James Koller Love Thy Poet 49; "The Reflex" bob Arnold Love Thy Poet 50; Eliot Katz "Full Moon Over Falluja" Love Thy Poet 51; "The Old Wobbly's Career" Andy Clausen Love Thy Poet 52; "150 Hours" Rita degli Esposti Love Thy Poet 53; "No Daughter" Louise Landes Levi Love Thy Poet 54; "Compassion" Jerome Seaton Love Thy Poet 55; "Sorrel Hears..." Alec Finlay Love Thy Poet 56. Multicolored postcards. Ideal for framing in wrap around band. Edited, designed and printed by Bob and Susan Arnold. Very limited. Poetry / Anthology. $35.00
21458. Arnold, Bob. "Milking / Universe". Longhouse, 2005. First edition. SIGNED: Two books in one. Milking and Universe is limited to 100 numbers sewn and banded by Bob & Susan Arnold by the woodfire, dedicated to all those who work farm hour passages & Thomas A. Clark. Very fine sewn wraps with wrap around band, signed by the poet. Poetry. $20.00
16270. Arnold, Bob. "On Earth". Granite (U.K.), 2002. First edition. One of 200 copies. Very fine and bright sewn wraps. Signed. Poetry. $15.00
865. Arnold, Bob. "On Stone". A builder's notebook. Origin, 1988. First edition. SIGNED: Very fine and bright all around with crisp text throughout. Includes detail photographs of construction from start to finish. Out of print. Stonebuilding / Poet. $35.00
8016. Arnold, Bob. "Once in Vermont". Gnomon, 1999. First edition. Mint copy. Bright pictorial stiff wraps with excellent spine and crisp text throughout. New. No cloth edition issued. Limited. Poetry. $15
18462. Arnold, Bob. "Rain Song". Longhouse, 2003. First edition. Tiny folio format of many tiny poems. Poetry. $7.50
14433. Arnold, Bob. "Self-Employed". Pentagram, 1983. First edition. SIGNED: One of 223 signed books. The papers in this book are from France, Italy and Japan -- handmade and mouldmade. Press work finished on Pentagram's 9th Anniversary. Very fine and bright illustrated sewn wraps. Signed on the half title page and inscribed affectionately on the first flyleaf. Poetry. $40.00
10257. Arnold, Bob. "Sky". White Pine Press, 1986. First edition. Fine pictorial stapled wraps with crisp text throughout. Praise from Jim Koller. Signed. Poetry. $15.00
8765. Arnold, Bob. ""Souvenir"". Poems of the Journey by Trains, Car & On Foot Away from New England to the Southwest Highroad & Back. Longhouse, 1989. First edition. Printed in January 1989 and is limited to 100 signed handbound copies. Sewn wraps into tall letterpress wraps. SIGNED.. Poetry. $15.00
25526. Arnold, Bob. "Sunswumthru A Building". Origin Press, 2006. First edition. With drawings by Laurie Clark. Introduction by Thomas A. Clark. Very fine and bright pictorial stiff wraps with excellent square spine and crisp bright text throughout. The poet shares his memories and well hewn meditations on the various tools he has used in handcrafting the life and maintaining the homestead he shares with his family in Vermont. Poet / Prose. $15.00
7567. [Arnold, Bob and McCord, Howard]. "tel-let 6". tel-let, 1990. First edition. SIGNED: Bob Arnold from "By Heart"; Howard McCord from "Ode of Seventh to Thirst and Hunger". 1/50 stapled wraps. New and crisp. Signed by Bob Arnold. Poetry. $25.00
23950. Arnold, Bob. "The Face of a Dictator". Longhouse, 2004. First edition. New. Two-color card. Limited. New. Signed by the poet. Poetry. $10.00
8758. Arnold, Bob and Vega, Janine Pommy. ""The Face of A Dictator" / "American Flags"". Longhouse, Winter 1991. First edition. Limited two 75 copies mailed in black to friends of Longhouse celebrating one more false victory of peace, late Winter 1991, Green River, Vermont. Three sheets photocopied of these two poets folded fine into jet black wrappers with small red seal. Poetry. $20.00
25697. Arnold, Bob. ""The Reflex" ". Longhouse, 2006. Postcard. Love The Poet series. Two or three color postcards, very fine, suitable for framing. Poetry. $7.95
14957. Arnold, Bob. "This Romance". A further notebook on rural life, building, love & a son.. Origin, 1992. First edition. New in stiff wraps. Poet / Prose. $10.00
27201. Arnold, Bob. "Thread". Pentagram, 1980. First edition. One of 290 copies handsewn in Joanna & Italian Old Style. Sewn in Fabriano Ingres wrappers. Signed by the poet. Poetry. $40.00
23651. Arnold, Bob. ""Time To Clean The Woodshed Together." & "Answer"". Longhouse, 2005. First edition. New. Two poem, two-color Autumnal celebration. Card. Limited. New. Signed by the poet.. Poetry. $10.00
8771. Arnold, Bob and Susan, editors. ""Toward A Text"". Writers and Readers List Their Favorite Books, Music and Films. Longhouse, 1993. First edition. With an opening introductory essay by Bob Arnold. 350 numbers published by Bob and Susan Arnold in the Fall of 1993. Twenty illustrated pages with contributors ranging from Michael Andre, Susan Arnold, Franco Beltrametti, Peter Berg, Tom Bridwell, Bob Buckeye, David Budbill, Clifford Burke, Bobby Byrd, Hayden Carruth, Olga Cabral, Marcel Cohen, Byron Coley, Cid Corman, Doc Dachtler, Bill Deemer, Jim Dodge, Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Bill Dwight, Theodore Enslin, Clayton Eshleman, Alec Finlay, Clive Faust, Lawrence Fixel, Ed Foster, Forrest Gander, Geoffrey Gardner, Dana Gentes, David Giannini, Lyle Glazier, Kirpal Gordon, Sam Green, Jonathan Greene, Donald Hall, Michael Hanish, Marie Harris, Terry Hauptman, Robert Hauptman, Gerald Hausman, Greg Joly, Jane Kenyon, MarthaKing, Basil King, Gary Lawless, James Lowell, Paul Metcalf, Tim McNulty, Gary Metras, Barbara Moraff, John Morrison, Joe Napora, Helen Nearing, Mike O'Connor, John Perlman, Simon Perchik, Robert Peters, Sherry Reniker, Stephen Sandy, Ed Sanders, Steve Sanfield, Andrew Schelling, Harry Smith, Wally Swist, Michael Sykes, Arthur Sze, Janine Pommy Vega, Joe Torra, Anne Waldman, Charter Weeks, Jonathan Williams, James L. Weil, Keith Wilson. Fine bright bound wraps. Limited. Poets. $15.00
23916. Arnold, Susan / Bob Arnold. "Vermont Street Readings for New Orleans Musicians / Little Voice". Longhouse, 2005. Card. Love Thy Poet 41. Nine photograph display postcard, with a poem by Bob Arnold. Featuring poets and musicians, Bob Arnold, Becky Arnold, Carson Arnold, Terry Hauptman, Greg Joly, Bert Koller, James Koller, Dudley Laufman, Jacqueline Laufman. Color photos by the photographer Susan Arnold Signed by Bob & Susan Arnold. Poetry / Photography. $15.00
14955. Arnold, Bob. "Where Rivers Meet". Mad River Press, 1990. First edition. Fine wraps with crisp, bright text throughout. Vermont poems. Signed. Poetry. $20.00
20792. Arnold, Bob. "Woodburners We Recommend Autumn Equinox 2004". Longhouse, 2004. First edition. SIGNED: Short essays on the work of Hayden Carruth, Jonathan Greene, James Koller, John Martone, Gary Snyder, Howlin Wolf, Richard Meltzer, George Stanley, Marcia Roberts and politics in the year 2004. One of 25 copies. Limited edition. Two-color six page folded sheets in wraps signed by the poet. Poets / Prose. $15.00
21237. Arnold, Bob. "Woodcutter's Autumn". Longhouse, 2004. First edition. First book in a trilogy. Foldout booklet. Poetry. $15.95 (signed)
16916. Arnold, Bob. "Yokel". Backwoods Broadside 72, 2003. First edition. Very fine folder of poems . Signed. Poetry. $12.95
21238. Arnold, Bob. "You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To". Longhouse, 2004. First edition. Second book in a trilogy which includes "Woodcutter's Autumn" with a forthcoming title due in the winter of 2005. Foldout booklet. Poetry. $15.95 (signed)
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