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Longhouse's BIBLIOGRAPHY 1971-2006 ! complete with editor Bob Arnold's annotations and a galaxy of press title images. Please visit! A 'continuing chalkboard' : Bibliography Part One 1971 - 1989 and Bibliography Part Two 1990 - 2006


New from Longhouse 2008

New from Longhouse 2007

Origin, Sixth Series, The complete issues now available on CD

Order now!


As an act of goodwill and for poetry - Longhouse is sending out each month publications - online - of one poet (or more) we have published in booklet, broadside or postcard form for everyone to share. It's a way of giving back to many of you who have sent to us poems, letters, purchases and the same goodwill over the years. The series will fly in under the banner of our Woodburners We Recommend. It should also be felt as a certain warmth in memory to all our close and dear poetry comrades passed along - each one becoming more of a loss. Each monthly booklet will also be available for purchase from Longhouse. Issued in a very limited keepsake edition of 50 copies. In 2006 we will begin to reissue and present selections from the past issues of Longhouse poets. For those readers that travel back as far as 1971 when Longhouse began, you know poetry was released like bandits by the day, by the week, by the month, and always free. We have never taken on grants and meant poetry to be seen & heard & on poetry terms. From 2006, into the Infinite, and within the universal cyber cosmos, we would like to share multiple poets with you....and only ask that you share them further.

 Bob Arnold ~ a cup of water

Bob Arnold - Builder

Bob Arnold - Devotion

Bob Arnold - Further Notice

Bob Arnold & Greg Joly - The Stories of the Street / Elliot Street Review / As We Continue - An Anthology

Bob Arnold ~ Time To Clean The Woodshed Together

Bob Arnold ~ You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To

Bob & Susan Arnold ~ Bob Arnold's Cairn Summit

Bob & Susan Arnold ~ "Vermont Street Readings for New Orleans Musicians"

Rita degli Esposti ~ Letters To The Nightingale


 Hugh Fox - "Delayed Empathy"

David Giannini - "How Else?"

Jonathan Greene - A selection from "The Death of A Kentucky Coffee-Tree & Other Poems"

Jonathan Greene - "Pond"

Whit Griffin ~ Motion, With Respect To The Ether

Terry Hauptman - Painted Turtle

Hoa Nguyen ~ "Of Mercury"

Verandah Porche - "Welcome To Total Loss Farm"

Red Pine ~ Dancing with the Dead

Ce Rosenow ~ A Year Longer

 Andrew Schelling Raps Christo's Knuckles

Jerome Seaton ~ A Love Thy Poet Postcard

Three by Fred Jeremy Seligson, Ed Baker & Steve Simpson

Dale Smith ~ The Birds At My Window

Santoka ~ translated by Scott Watson

Catherine Walsh ~ from Optic Verve

 Jeffery Beam ~ "Gospel Earth"

Carol Berge ~ Unfinished Poem

Wm. Bolinger, translator. "Seven Verses from the Tao Te Ching"

Greg Joly ~ Broken Glass Road

Cralan Kelder ~ night falls and is slow to get up

Toby Kiers

James Koller ~ Some To Keep, Some To Pass Along

 Thomas A. Clark ~ "String"

Longhouse celebrates Cid Corman, an on-going Anthology updated: The Next One Thousand Years

A Selection from The Famous Blue Aerogrammes by Cid Corman

Kim Dorman - "Ah, Bonnie & Clyde"

 John Martone ~ tree house

Henri Michaux translated by Louise Landes Levi / Total Totality I (Vers La Completude)

Henri Michaux translated by Louise Landes Levi / Total Totality II (Vers La Completude)

Billy Mills ~ Seven Paper Places




Woodburners We Recommend / 2008 / Reviews by Bob Arnold updated March 6, 2008

Woodburners We Recommend / 2007 / Reviews by Bob Arnold

Woodburners We Recommend / 2006 / Reviews by Bob Arnold

Woodburners We Recommend / 2005 / Reviews by Bob Arnold

Woodburners We Recommend / 2004 / Reviews by Bob Arnold

Woodburners We Recommend / 2003 / Reviews by Bob Arnold

Woodburners We Recommend / 2002 / Reviews by Bob Arnold



H(ear) Music Writings & Interviews - Music Magazine by Carson Arnold (2003-2004)

Track- Carson Arnold's Weekly Music Reviews (2001-2002)


Report From the Field :


Bob Arnold & Greg Joly - The Stories of the Street / Elliot Street Review / As We Continue - An Anthology December 6, 2006

Woodburners We Recommend: SIDEWALK READING SERIES

Visit Photographs of the Readings



 sidewalk reading


An Interview with Stephen-Paul Martin by Kirpal Gordon

Gaps in the System/Erasing the Separation: A Conversation on Stephen-Paul Martin's Fiction by Vernon Frazer & Kirpal Gordon

Gleanings & Fragments ~ Kim Dorman

X Country: Touring the Nation with Jazz & Poetry, Election Season '04 by Kirpal Gordon

2003's Year-in-Review: A New York Jazz Report by Kirpal Gordon


A selection from "Once in Vermont" by Bob Arnold

Woodburners Celebrates Lorine Niedecker's Centenary With Photographs

A Green Mountain Idyll -- Poems for Hayden Carruth

Cid Corman : Poems from "The Despairs"


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Copyright 2008 by Bob & Susan Arnold
Updated March 6, 2008
Site design by two-hands